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bribe [braɪb] n
gen. 鼻薬 (はなぐすり); 付け届け news2 nf45 (つけとどけ); 付届け; 付届 io; 附屆 io; 鼻薬を嗅がせる; 鼻薬をかがせる; 水金
n bribe | n [braɪb] n
gen. 裏金 news1 nf11 (うらがね); 賄賂 ichi1 news2 nf36 (わいろ); 音物; 引物; 袖の下; ; (まかない); 賂い
 English thesaurus
bribe [braɪb] n
law an illegal offer of money, property or services for another service; A gift, not necessarily of monetary value, given to influence the conduct of the receiver
: 1 phrase in 1 subject