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noun | adjective | to phrases
boot [bu:t] n
gen. トランク gai1 (toranku); 立ち上げる (a computer, たち・あげる)
el., mech. ブーツ (būtsu)
n boot | n [bu:t] n
gen. 荷室
n vs boot | n vs [bu:t] n
gen. ブート
n boots | n [bu:ts] adj.
gen. ブーツ gai1 (būtsu); ichi1 news1 nf06; (くつ); ; ; 半長靴
 English thesaurus
boots [bu:ts] n
gen. an illegal linear amplifier connected to a citizen band radio to boost transmission (Muravi)
BOOT [bu:t] abbr.
abbr., account. Build Own Operate And Transfer; build, own, operate, transfer (Vladimir71)
abbr., busin. BOOT project (MichaelBurov); build, own, operate and transfer (MichaelBurov); build-own-operate-transfer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., construct. build–own–operate–transfer (MichaelBurov); build–own–operate–transfer agreement (MichaelBurov); build–own–operate–transfer (MichaelBurov); build–own–operate–transfer agreement (MichaelBurov)
abbr., econ. Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (at)
abbr., logist. Build-Owner-Operate-Transfer
abbr., mil. Build Own Operate Transfer
abbr., O&G build-own-operate-transfer agreement
Nasdaq Lacrosse Footwear, Inc.
boot [bu:t] n
mil., lingo bootie (MichaelBurov)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects