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blink [blɪŋk] n
gen. 瞬く ichi1 (one's eyes); 屡叩く (one's eyes); 目叩く (one's eyes); 瞬ぐ
comp., MS 点滅させる (To flash on and off. Cursors, insertion points, menu choices, warning messages, and other displays on a computer screen that are intended to catch the eye are often made to blink. The rate of blinking in a graphical user interface can sometimes be controlled by the user)
n blink | n [blɪŋk] n
comp. ブリンク
n vs blink | n vs [blɪŋk] n
gen. 瞬き (of eyes)
 English thesaurus
BLINK [blɪŋk] abbr.
abbr., el. backward linkage
BLink [blɪŋk] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. bifurcating link