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on-mim beep | on-mim [bi:p] n
gen. プー; ぷー; プーッ; ぷーっ; プーっ
n beep | n [bi:p] n
gen. ビープ; 発信音 (hasshin'on)
comp. ビープ音
int on-mim beep | int on-mim [bi:p] n
gen. ブー; ブーッ
 English thesaurus
BEEP [bi:p] abbr.
abbr. Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (RFC 3080)
abbr., comp., net. blocks extensible exchange protocol
abbr., earth.sc. biologic effects of environmental pollution
mil. battalion equipment evaluation program
BEEPS abbr.
abbr., econ. Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (Anna Sam)