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noun | abbreviation
barn [bɑ:n] n
construct. 納屋 (なや)
n barn | n [bɑ:n] n
gen. news2 nf40; (うまや); 馬屋; ; 畜舎 (ちくしゃ); 納屋 news2 nf31 spec2 (なや); 厩舎 (きゅうしゃ); 廐舎 oK; 廏舎; きゅう舎; 牧舎 news2 nf46; バーン (bān)
 English thesaurus
barn [bɑ:n] n
energ.ind., abbr. b
BARN [bɑ:n] abbr.
abbr., avia. bombing and reconnaissance navigation
abbr., el. biological agricultural reactor netherlands
abbr., med. Bilateral Acute Retinal Necrosis; Body Awareness Resource Network
abbr., mil., avia. bombing and reconnaissance
BARNS abbr.
abbr., mil., air.def. bombing and reconnaissance navigation system
BARN [bɑ:n] abbr.
abbr., ophtalm. bilateral acute retinal necrosis (двусторонний острый некроз сетчатки doc090)