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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
age [eɪʤ] n
gen. ; 年をとる spec1; 歳をとる; 年を取る; 歳を取る; 年取る; 歳取る; 老いる ichi1 news2 nf38; 老ける ichi1; 化ける; 老け込む; 大人びる; 陳ねる; 年を重ねる; 材齢 (ざいれい) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS 期日経過日数 (A time period of existence or a time period after the occurrence of an event); 期間 (The amount of time that has elapsed since an alert was triggered through MOM, きかん); 期日が経過する (To become mature or past due, as in a mature account or a past due account); 期日経過 (To calculate the number of days that customer and supplier accounts have been outstanding)
construct. 材齡 (ざいれい)
geol. news2 nf27
obs. 老ゆ
age .... [eɪʤ] n
gen. (みち)
Age [eɪʤ] n
gen. Geological Terms Dictionary (Bruce Bain and Leslie Oberman) ; 年代 Geological Terms Dictionary (Bruce Bain and Leslie Oberman)
comp., MS 年齢 (A content descriptor developed by the Pan European Game Information (PEGI), ねんれい)
geogr. 阿下; 阿気; 上げ (あげ); 上ケ; 上ゲ; 上箇; 上計
surn. 阿毛; (あがり)
surn., geogr. 安芸
n age | n [eɪʤ] n
gen. エージ; 一代 news1 nf18; 寿齢; 生年; 年代 ichi1 news1 nf07; 年齢 ichi1 news1 nf02 (ねんれい); 年令 (ねんれい); ichi1 news1 nf06; ichi1; 満年齢 news2 nf47 (expressed in the Western style of counting fully completed years); ; 経時
n one's age | n [eɪʤ] n
gen. news1 nf20; (ha); 年恰好; 年格好; 年甲斐
n adj-no age | n adj-no [eɪʤ] n
gen. 年端; 年歯; 年配 ichi1 news1 nf12; 年輩 ichi1
suf n age | suf n [eɪʤ] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf02 (ねん);
n uk age | n uk [eɪʤ] n
gen. (みぎり)
n-t n age | n-t n [eɪʤ] n
gen. 時代 ichi1 news1 nf01
n adj-no yoji appropriate for, one's age | n adj-no yoji [eɪʤ] n
gen. 年齢相応
n hon age | n hon [eɪʤ] n
gen. 御年 usu. as 御年○歳
 English thesaurus
age [eɪʤ] abbr.
abbr., biol. a
agric. agronomical
AGE [eɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. A G Edwards, Inc.; Ancient Guardian Enterprises; Animation Graphics And Effects; Army Advisory Group on Energy; Arterial Gas Embolism; Associated Ground Equipment; Awesome Girls Exclusively; advanced glycation endproducts; advanced glycosylation end product
abbr., avia. acknowledgement tracking vendor drawings; aerospace ground-support equipment; air force ground equipment; Airbus Germany; airplane ground equipment
abbr., avia., med. arterial gas embolia
abbr., biochem. agarose gel electrophoresis (Игорь_2006)
abbr., BrE Admiralty Gunnery Establishment; Assistant Garrison Engineer
abbr., commun. Active Gain Equalisation
abbr., lab.eq. Average Growth Exponent
abbr., med. Acute Gastroenteritis; advanced glycation endproduct (ННатальЯ)
abbr., org.name. Divisione congiunta FAO/IAEA sulle tecniche nucleari applicate all'agricoltura e all'alimentazione; Joint FAO/IAEA Division
abbr., physiol. Advanced Glycosylated End products
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Rsearch ship; Advanced Graphics Engine
energ.ind. advisory group on energy
mil. aerospace ground equipment; automatic ground equipment; automatic guidance electronics; auxiliary ground equipment; Experimental Auxiliary
O&G acid gas enrichment
physiol. Angle of greatest extension
tech. aerospace guidance and metrology center
AGE [eɪʤ] abbr.
abbr., avia. aircraft airplane ground equipment; aircraft ground equipment
abbr., earth.sc. Asian Geotechnical Engineering; Asian Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering
abbr., oil allyl glycidyl ether
abbr., space aerospace ground support equipment
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Obsolete / dated1