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interjection | abbreviation | to phrases
Yo [jəu] int.
surn. (よよ); ; ;
uk Yo! | uk int.
gen. 嗚呼 ateji; ateji; also written as 於乎, 於戯, 嗟乎, 嗟夫, 吁, etc. ateji
int uk yo! | int uk int.
gen. 押忍; 押っ忍
int Yo! | int int.
gen. やあ (greeting)
int Yo | int [jəu] int.
inf. ちわっす
int yo! | int int.
gen. at sentence-end spec1
int yo | int [jəu] int.
gen. これ
 English thesaurus
YO [jəu] abbr.
abbr. Fuel Lighter; Fuel Oil Barge (Self-Propelled Alex Lilo); The Youngest Or Only; Yarn Over (knitting Alex Lilo); Yeah, Okay (Alex Lilo); Yoko Ono (Alex Lilo); York (postcode, United Kingdom Alex Lilo); Yoruba; You're On; Young Offender (Ontario Alex Lilo); Young Ones (Naturistische Activiteiten Vereniging Alex Lilo); Your Opportunity; Your Own; Youth Opportunity; Youth Outing; Youth Outlook; Youth Outreach; Youthful Offender (Alex Lilo); Years Old; Yugoslavia (Alex Lilo)
abbr., agric. yearly output
abbr., avia. aeronautical information service unit
abbr., physiol. Years old
abbr., polit. Yugoslavia (former)
abbr., scottish Former Yugoslavia (NATO country code); Fuel oil barge (Gasolene; G; USA)
humor. Yo-yo that only goes down
polit., abbr. Yugoslavia former
yo [jəu] abbr.
abbr., med. years old
agric. year-old
YO. abbr.
abbr., textile yellowish orange
: 38 phrases in 5 subjects
Given name12
Historical figure1
Proper name1