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Vega ['vı:gə] n
gen. ベーガ (unclass); ヴェーガ (unclass)
astr. 織り姫 (bright star in the constellation Lyra); 織姫 (bright star in the constellation Lyra); 織女 (star in the constellation Lyra); 織り女 (star in the constellation Lyra); 棚機つ女 (star in the constellation Lyra); 棚機津女 (star in the constellation Lyra)
geogr. ベガ島 (island)
n Vega | n ['vı:gə] n
astr. ベガ gai1 (star in the constellation Lyra); ヴェガ (star in the constellation Lyra); 織女星 (star in the constellation Lyra)
 English thesaurus
VEGA ['vı:gə] abbr.
abbr., AI. Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithms
abbr., file.ext. Video-7 Enhanced Graphics Adapter (Video-7, Inc.)
abbr., IT Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm
abbr., law Violence Education Gang Awareness
abbr., mil., avia. Earth gravity-assisted
abbr., space launch vehicle vettore europeo di generazione avanzata