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Utae n
gen. 宇多恵 (unclass); 宇多江 (unclass); 唄恵 (unclass); 唄江 (unclass); 詠恵 (unclass); 吟恵 (unclass); 吟江 (unclass); 吟咲 (unclass); 詩咲 (unclass); 唱咲 (unclass)
given. うたへ; うたゑ; 卯多恵; 歌絵; 歌恵; 歌枝; 詩衣; 詩絵; 詩笑; 唱江; 頌恵
names 歌江; 詩恵; 詩慧
Uta n
gen. 兎田 (unclass)
given. うた; ウタ; 羽音; 卯楽; ; 海大; ; ; 詩多; 生楽; 悠詩; 和歌
names 有楽
surn. 右田; 宇多; 鵜足; ; ; 雅楽; 雅樂; 打宅; 菟田; 夘田;
surn., geogr. 宇田
 English thesaurus
UTA abbr.
abbr. Umbilical Termination Assembly; Unable To Apply; Under Trust Agreement; Unit Trust Association
abbr., avia. upper controlled area (MichaelBurov); upper control area
abbr., comp., IT Unified Test Architecture
abbr., ed., scient. University Of Tropical Agriculture
abbr., el. upper testing area; USB transaction analyzer; user transfer address
abbr., mil. Unit Training Assembly
abbr., mil., air.def. unmanned aerial systems tactical common data link assembly
abbr., O&G. tech. umbilical termination assembly (MichaelBurov)
abbr., sport. United Taekwondo Association; Unreal Tournament Army
abbr., tradem. U T A Telekom, A. G.; United Technology Associates
abbr., transp. Utah Transit Authority
med., abbr. Temporary Use Authorization (во Франции Leonid Dzhepko)
tech. ultrasonic thermal action
UTAS abbr.
abbr., oil underwater target activated sensor
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
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