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Trailer ['treɪlə] n
comp., MS トレーラー (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 70, torērā)
n trailer | n ['treɪlə] n
gen. トレーラー gai1 (vehicle, torērā); トレーラ (vehicle, torēra); トレイラー (vehicle); トレイラ (vehicle); 予告編 (film, TV); 予告篇 (film, TV)
comp. 終端部
trailer ['treɪlə] n
gen. 付随車 (fuzuisha) Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend)
construct. トレーラー (torērā)
n adj-no trailer | n adj-no ['treɪlə] n
gen. つる植物 (trailing plant); 蔓植物 (trailing plant)
 English thesaurus
trailer ['treɪlə] abbr.
abbr. trl
abbr., auto. tlr
cinema An advertisement for a movie which contains scenes from the film. Historically, these advertisements were attached to the end of a newsreel or supporting-feature, hence the name. Doing this reduced the number of reel changes that a projectionist would have to make. See also teaser trailer.
mil., abbr. tr