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Tower ['tauə] n
gen. タワー (tawā)
tower ['tauə] n
gen. 聳える ichi1; 雲突く; そそり立つ; 聳り立つ; 峙つ; そそり勃つ pun on そそり立つ (like an erection)
construct. タワー (tawā); (とう)
n tower | n ['tauə] n
gen. タワー gai1 ichi1 (tawā); (ろう); (だい)
n n-suf tower | n n-suf ['tauə] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf07 (とう)
 English thesaurus
tower ['tauə] abbr.
abbr., agric. ter
abbr., mil., avia. twr
avia., Canada A unit established to provide ATC service to aerodrome traffic
: 1 phrase in 1 subject