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comp., MS 簡易
gen. さっぱり; ちょろい; 安易; 安直; 易しい; 簡単
| Triage
comp., MS トリアージ
| And
gen. 然して
| Rapid
| Treatment
gen. 持て成し
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
simple ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. さっぱり ichi1; 軽い ichi1 news2 nf34; 早い ichi1 news1 nf16; 速い ichi1 news2 nf31; 疾い oK; 捷い esp. 速い, 疾い, 捷い oK; 無造作 ichi1 news1 nf24; 無雑作; 淡々 news1 nf14; 淡淡; 澹々; 澹澹; 手っ取り早い news2 nf39; 訳がない spec1; わけが無い; 訳が無い; 平ったい; 直線的; 簡素 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
comp., MS シンプル (Pertaining to the resiliency type for a volume that stripes data across physical disks with no resiliency in a Microsoft Storage Spaces storage pool)
obs. 事無し
phys. 単純 (たんぢゅん)
adj-na n simple | adj-na n ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 安易 ichi1 news1 nf07; 安直 news2 nf30; 簡単 ichi1 news1 nf02 (かんたん); 簡短 oK; 簡端 oK; 簡略 news1 nf22; 手軽 ichi1 news1 nf09; 単純 ichi1 news1 nf04 (たんぢゅん); 地味 ichi1 news1 nf09; 卑近; 平易 news2 nf26; 平淡; 平明 news2 nf41; 容易 ichi1 news1 nf05; 淳朴; 純朴 news2 nf40; 醇朴; 淡泊 news1 nf22; 淡白; 澹泊; 軽易; 無技巧
adj-i simple | adj-i ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. ちょろい; 平たい ichi1 news2 nf41; 扁たい
adj-na simple | adj-na ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 朴訥; 朴とつ; 木訥
adj-i simple | adj-i ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 生易しい news2 nf47; 訳無い; 訳ない; お安い; 御安い
adj-na simple | adj-na ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 柔婉
obs. 敦朴; 惇朴; 惇樸; 敦樸
uk simple | uk ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 洒洒; 洒々
adj-i uk simple | adj-i uk ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 易しい ichi1 news2 nf39
adj-na n adj-no simple | adj-na n adj-no ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 単一 ichi1 news1 nf10
adj-i uk simple | adj-i uk ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 容易い ichi1
exp adj-i simple | exp adj-i ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 世話がない (e.g. matter); 世話が無い (e.g. matter)
adj-t adv-to simple | adj-t adv-to ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 易々; 易易
Simple ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
comp., MS 簡易 (An option button in the Set Personal Options dialog box that enables users to hide the details in Advanced Find, rather than showing all the criteria of a search. The other option is Detailed, kan'i)
adj-pn simple | adj-pn ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 単なる ichi1 news1 nf06
exp sens vulg simple | exp sens vulg ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. 馬鹿でもチョンでも チョン is often a racist term for Koreans
pref simple | pref ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
gen. (su)
 English thesaurus
simple ['sɪmp(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. sim
abbr., progr. simplified (ssn)
SIMPLE ['sɪmp(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., comp., net., IT Sip For Instant Messaging And Presence Leveraging Extensions
abbr., el. silylating resist using chemical amplification for electron beam; simulation programming language
tech. simulation, planning and programming environment
Simple ['sɪmp(ə)l] n
busin., abbr. S
SiMPLE ['sɪmp(ə)l] abbr.
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite interactive multimedia platform for low-cost earth station
SIMPLE ['sɪmp(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. SIP instant message and presence leveraging extensions
abbr., earth.sc. semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equation; simplified lake ecosystem
Simple: 3 phrases in 1 subject