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Silver ['sɪlvə] n
gen. シルヴァー (unclass)
comp., MS シルバー (The intermediate level of service allocated to a case. The service contract a customer purchases determines the service level for its associated cases, shirubā)
silver ['sɪlvə] n
construct. (gin); シルバー (shirubā)
n adj-no silver | n adj-no ['sɪlvə] n
gen. 銀色 news1 nf23 (color, colour); ichi1 news1 nf01 (Ag, gin); 白銀 (Ag); 白金 ik (Ag, hakkin)
Silvers n
gen. シルヴァース (unclass); シルヴァーズ (unclass)
adj-na n silver | adj-na n ['sɪlvə] n
gen. シルバー gai1 (shirubā)
 English thesaurus
Silver ['sɪlvə] n
food.ind., abbr. E174
silver ['sɪlvə] abbr.
abbr. sil; silv
jewl. Silver, with elemental abbreviation Ag and atomic number 47, is a precious metal often used in jewelry. This soft alloy is both the highest thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of any metal. When exposed to aid, the metal oxidizes and tarnish