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Shake [ʃeɪk] n
surn., geogr. 社家
shake [ʃeɪk] n
gen. ぐらつく; 響く ichi1; 振る ichi1 news2 nf42 (ふる); 振れる; 震れる; 偏れる; 震う; 震える ichi1; 顫える; 震わせる; 戦く (from fear, cold, excitement, etc.); 慄く (from fear, cold, excitement, etc.); 戦慄く; 動く ichi1; 揺さぶる news1 nf23; 揺さ振る; 揺すぶる; 揺す振る; 揺らぐ ichi1 news1 nf20; 揺らす news2 nf40; 揺り動かす; ゆり動かす; 揺るぐ news2 nf30 spec2; 揺れる ichi1; 揉む ichi1; 顫動; 揺る ichi1 news1 nf19; 淘る oK; 汰る oK; 揺する spec2; 揺るがす ichi1 news1 nf18; 震撼させる; 揺すれる; 震わす; 振り混ぜる (in order to mix, shuffle, etc.); 割れ木材の、 もくざいの (われ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
tech. (ふるい); 割目 (わりめ)
n vs shake | n vs [ʃeɪk] n
gen. シェーク gai1; シェイク gai1; 震撼 news2 nf40
int 'shake' | int n
gen. お手 (command to have a dog place its paw in your hand); 御手 (command to have a dog place its paw in your hand)
n ctr shake | n ctr [ʃeɪk] n
gen. 振り ichi1 news1 nf13 (furi); (kaze)
on-mim shake | on-mim [ʃeɪk] n
gen. ぶんぶん; ブンブン
adv n vs uk shake | adv n vs uk [ʃeɪk] n
gen. 揺ら揺ら
n shakes | n n
gen. 悪寒 ichi1
n shake | n [ʃeɪk] n
gen. 揺れ (ゆれ)
 English thesaurus
Shake [ʃeɪk] n
gen. Shakespeare; William
relig. Shrine-families. Households attached to a shrine who by tradition normally supplied the shrine's negi and gon-negi priests and miko (see Shinshoku) A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)