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noun | abbreviation
Rise [raɪz] n
gen. リーゼ (unclass)
given. りせ; 浬茜; 利星; 吏生; 李世; 梨世; 梨瀬; 梨聖; 梨雪; 理世; 理瀬; 理勢; 璃瀬; 璃星; 璃清; 里世; 律勢; 麗星; 麗聖; 凛世; 凛瀬; 凛星; 凛晴; 凛生; 凛聖; 凛声; 莉汐; 莉聖; 凜瀬
names 莉世; 莉瀬; 莉星; 莉晴
surn. 利瀬
rise [raɪz] n
gen. 起きる ichi1 news2 nf31; 起き上がる ichi1 news2 nf47; 起きあがる; 起き上る; 起上がる; 起上る; 興る; 高まる ichi1 news1 nf08; 差す ichi1 news2 nf41 (of water levels); 持ち上がる news2 nf31; 持上がる; 持ち上る; 持上る; 上がる ichi1 news1 nf13; 揚がる news2 nf39 spec2; 挙がる news1 nf13; 上る io; 登る ichi1 news1 nf16; 昇る ichi1; 陞る oK; 盛り上がる ichi1 news2 nf29; 盛りあがる; 盛り上る; 盛上がる; 盛上る; 立ち上がる ichi1 news2 nf42; 立上がる; 起ち上がる; 立ちあがる; 聳える ichi1; 立つ ichi1 news1 nf21 (たち); 発つ; 満ちる ichi1 news2 nf26 (e.g. tide); 充ちる (e.g. tide); 盈ちる oK (e.g. tide); 経上がる; そそり立つ (steeply); 聳り立つ (steeply); 満つ (e.g. tide); 充つ (e.g. tide); 峙つ; 起き返る; 差し上る (e.g. sun, moon); 差し昇る (e.g. sun, moon); 差上る io (e.g. sun, moon); 舞い立つ; 舞立つ; 押っ立つ; 体を起こす; 上昇 (jōshō) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 上昇率 (じょうしょうりつ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. 昇降高さ (しょうこう・たかさ)
tech. 迫高 (せりだか); 迫の起 (せりのむくり); 立上 (たちあがり); ライズ
n rise | n [raɪz] n
gen. 上げ news1 nf07 (e.g. in price, あげ); 揚げ (e.g. in price, あげ); 高まり news1 nf08; 上り調子 news2 nf29; 海膨; 蹴上げ (けあげ); 蹴上 (けあげ)
n vs rise | n vs [raɪz] n
gen. 栄達; 興起 news2 nf39; 興隆 news2 nf37 spec2; 向上 ichi1 news1 nf03 (中小企業の技術の); 上騰; 騰貴 ichi1 (in price or value, とうき)
n-suf n rise | n-suf n [raɪz] n
gen. 上がり ichi1 news1 nf08 (あかり); 揚がり
n adj-no rise | n adj-no [raɪz] n
gen. 起源 ichi1 news1 nf14 (きげん); 起原
 English thesaurus
RISE [raɪz] abbr.
abbr. Recognition Of Innovation, Support, And Excellence; Respect Integrity Strength And Ethics; Responsibility Initiative Solutions Empowerment
abbr., auto. refined impact safety evolution
abbr., chem., scient. Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy
abbr., ed. Resources for Indispensable Schools and Educators; Respect, Integrity, Strength, Ethics; Retention Involvement Social Enhancement
abbr., ed., scient. Reactive Intermediates Student Exchange; Redefining Investment Strategy Education; Research Initiative For Scientific Enhancement
abbr., el. relative integral squared error
abbr., med. Pathology Resident In-Service Examination
abbr., mil. Reliability Improvement Selected Equipment
abbr., mil., avia. research in supersonic environment
abbr., R&D. Research and Innovative Staff Exchange (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., scottish Reliability Improved Selected Equipment
abbr., st.exch. Redefining Investment Strategy And Education
abbr., transp. Route Improvement Synthesis And Evaluation
mil. radiation induced surface effect; readiness improvement status evaluation; readiness improvement summary evaluation; reliability improvement selected equipment; reusable inflatable salvage equipment
tech. reliability improvement of selected equipment
RISE [raɪz] abbr.
abbr., comp., net. reliable transfer service element
abbr., oil Regional Instruction of Schlumberger's Engineer