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adjective | noun
Reiki ['reɪkɪ] adj.
gen. 怜生基 (unclass); 玲紀 (unclass); 玲樹 (unclass); 礼樹 (unclass); 麗樹 (unclass); 禮喜 (unclass); 黎己 (unclass)
given. レイキ; 令輝; 励起 (reiki); 怜季; 怜紀; 怜樹; ; 礼喜; 礼季; 鈴希; 麗姫; 澪祁
surn. 齢亀
n Reiki | n ['reɪkɪ] adj.
gen. 靈氣 (healing method)
 English thesaurus
reiki ['reɪkɪ] n
med. technique of hands-on healing to restore physical, emotional and mental health (alumna1979)