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Ra [rɑ:] n
given., surn.
surn. 萩原
RA [rɑ:] n
gen. 赤経 (せっけい) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
ra [rɑ:] n
gen. 放射状雲 (L.; radiatus, ほうしゃじょう・うん) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
 English thesaurus
Ra [rɑ:] abbr.
abbr. roughness average (Segun); arithmetic average; apparent resistivity; range; Radium
abbr., earth.sc. rational number; Rayleigh
abbr., el. average roughness
abbr., med. radium; ragged
abbr., mil. radium RA
abbr., oil air vitrinite reflectance
abbr., tech. actual range
myth. Pa (бог солнца; воплощался в образе сокола falcon)
refrig. Rayleigh number
Ra. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. range
RA [rɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Random Amplitude; recreation vehicle, recreational vehicle (В. Бузаков); Review Access; rain; regulation authority (irinaloza23); rheumatoid arthritis (Vorbild); repair to address
abbr., AI. Ring Address
abbr., astronaut. radar altimeter; Regional Association (WMO)
abbr., auto. roll axis; arithmetic average roughness height; rear axle; rigid axle; Rockwell hardness A scale
abbr., avia. resolution advisory (MichaelBurov); Refuelling Airfield; radar advisory; radar altituder; rain area; rapid assessment; redundancy assurance; regional airliner; regulated agent; reliever airports; removal of assemblies; review and analysis; reviewing activity; rocker arm
abbr., avia., Canada radio altimeter
abbr., chem. release agent (Yuriy83)
abbr., chromat. residual activity (ННатальЯ)
abbr., clin.trial. accumulation ratio (iwona)
abbr., commun. ratio (Метран)
abbr., dentist. right-angle friction grip (MichaelBurov); right-angle shank (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. dynamic resistance-area product; real address; remote access; routing arbiter; radiative autoionization; radio amateur; random mode request information field; rapid access; rate adaption; rate of application; reanswer; receiving amplifier; receiving aperture; recessed array technology; record address; redundancy analysis; reference active; reflectance anisotropy spectrum; register array; registration authorization; relative address; relocation address; reservation access; resonance absorption; response analyzer; reticle alignment; right asymmetrical (polarization); rolled annealed (copper); route analysis; reliability apportionment
abbr., el., scient. Radium
abbr., file.ext. Remote Access Data file; Replacement Algorithm
abbr., gastroent. Rokitansky–Aschoff sinuses (doc090)
abbr., immunol. rheumatoid arthritis
abbr., IT read amplifier; Registration authority; register and arithmetic/logic unit
abbr., med. Radial Artery; Reactive Arthritis; right atrium (Vosoni); refractory anaemia; radionuclide angiography; repeat action; residual air; rheumatoid antibody; right auricle; Royal Academician; right arm (vdengin); Regional Anesthesia (iwona); refractory anemia
abbr., med.appl. rotation angiography (Andrey Truhachev); radial artery (inn)
abbr., meteorol. reduction of area
abbr., mil. radius of action; Redstone Arsenal; response action; rear area
abbr., mil., air.def. radar station
abbr., mil., WMD receipt acknowledgment; Remedial action
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Regulatory Agencies
abbr., O&G, sakh. radioactive sub
abbr., oil right angle
abbr., opt. reduced aperture
abbr., pest.contr. rotary atomizer
abbr., pharma. Regulatory Affairs (Игорь_2006); Roughness Average (среднее значение шероховатости поверхности Elinoise)
abbr., physiol. Right Atrium
abbr., physiol., med. Rheumatoid arthritis
abbr., polym. rosin acids
abbr., post Research Announcement
abbr., progr. registration authority (см. ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004 ssn)
abbr., R&D. research agency (igisheva)
abbr., refrig. Refrigeration Abstracts of American Society of Refrigerating Engineers
abbr., scottish Radio Altimeter; Resolution Advisory; Royal Artillery (UK)
abbr., sec.sys. risk assessment; Research Analyst (Val_Ships)
abbr., securit. regulated activity
abbr., stat. Random Allocation (iwona)
abbr., tech. radio altimeter setting
el., abbr. Rosin activated
energ.ind., abbr. relative accuracy; renovation activities; required actions; requirements analysis; risk allocation
energ.ind., mil. risk analysis
invest., abbr. repurchase agreement
mater.sc., abbr. reduction in area
meteorol., abbr. range lights; radar altitude
mil. release authorization
mil., abbr. rapid advance; ration allowance; ready alert; real area; real artillery; rear admiral; reconnaissance aircraft; reconstitution area; regrouping area; reimbursement authorization; reinforced alert; reliability analysis; reliability assessment; reliability assurance; repair assignment; requesting agency; resident agent; restricted area; reviewing authority; rocket assist
O&G anode resistance; qualitative risk assessment
tech. radar astronomy
tech., abbr. radio astronomy; radio technician; radio-range-station; radiometry antenna; radiotelescope antenna; rate adaptation; receiver attenuation; regional administrator
tech., mil., avia. radar
wood., abbr. teeth with flat tope and tapered sides
ra [rɑ:] abbr.
abbr. radio
abbr., oil raised
mil. radioactive
ra. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. radioactive
.ra n
file.ext. Real Audio (file name extension)
RA [rɑ:] abbr.
abbr. alarm recorder; radioactivity; railroad administration; regular army; relative intensity; Royal Artillery
abbr., avia. radio altitude (height); ram air; release authority; revision authorization
abbr., busin. rayon; refer to acceptor; refined asphalt
abbr., chem. rosin acid
abbr., comp., net. router advertisement
abbr., earth.sc. radiochemical analysis; real add; red alga; reference atmosphere; regional associations; relations analysis; rig assembly; risk area; rounded agmatite; routing arbiter; Royal Academy
abbr., expl. rosin acid
abbr., IT routing area
abbr., met. Rockwell hardness A (-scale)
abbr., oil radio range station; random access; receiving antenna; recent alluvium; recording accuracy; red algae; reducing agent; regular acid; Research Association; resin anion; Resource Areas; resources allocation; restricted availability; retarded acid; return air; Rheology Abstracts; right ascension; riser angle; rod acceleration
abbr., pharm. retinoic acid
abbr., radio receiving attenuation
abbr., space radioactive alarm; radiocommunication assembly; radiolocation astronomy; rate of arrival; reactive adhesive; reference address; register allotter; releasing agent; random assignment; range-azimuth (corrector); resin adhesive; resistance to abrasion; rigidity agent; rocket astronomy
abbr., textile Reinsurance Agreement
RA [rɑ:] abbr.
abbr., med. room air (упоминается в результатах измерения уровня насыщения лёгких кислородом Баян)
: 39 phrases in 6 subjects
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