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noun | adjective
Orions n
gen. オリオンズ (unclass)
n ORIONS | n n
comp. オリオンズ
Orion [ə'raɪən] adj.
gen. オライアン (unclass)
given. 暁星; 織音; 織姫
names 織女
n Orion | n [ə'raɪən] adj.
gen. オリオン gai1
astr. オリオン座 (constellation)
comp. オライオン
 English thesaurus
Orion [ə'raɪən] abbr.
abbr., astr., lat. Ori (Орион Vosoni)
ORION [ə'raɪən] abbr.
abbr. Outdoor Recreational Instruction On Nature
abbr., comp., net., IT Open Research Infrastructure for Optimizing Networks
abbr., ed., scient. Ontario Research And Innovation Optical Network
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Our Race Is Our Nation
abbr., med. Office De Recherche Interdisciplinaire Sur Les Organisations Neurophysiologiques
abbr., nautic., scient. Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Network
abbr., space on-line retrieval of information over a network