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abbreviation | noun
n NOS | n abbr.
gen. 新古品
comp. エヌオーエス; ネットワークOS
 English thesaurus
NO [nəu] abbr.
abbr., nautic. northeast (MichaelBurov)
NO <устар.> [nəu] abbr.
abbr., nautic. NE (MichaelBurov)
NOS abbr.
abbr. Nature Off Stage; Never Offer Service; New Old Stock; New Original Stock; Non Otherwise Specified; Norsk Opsjonssentral; Not Otherwise Stated; Now On Sale; never out of stock (Лорина); Narrow Over The Shoulders; National Ocean Survey; National Operational Satellite; NATO Office of Security; Network OS (Vosoni); Naval Ordnance Station
abbr., auto. new-old-stock; nitrous oxide injection system
abbr., automat. norm system
abbr., avia. Nossi- Be, Madagascar; night operation system
abbr., chem., scient. Nitrogen Oxide System; Nitrous Oxide System; Nitrous Oxide Systems
abbr., commun. Network Operator Services; network out of service
abbr., comp., net. network operating system; NetWare network operating system
abbr., data.prot. Network Operation System
abbr., earth.sc. National Ocean ic Survey; number of stations
abbr., ed., scient. National Open School
abbr., el. node operating system; nonlinear optical switch
abbr., health., med. Neonatal Opium Solution
abbr., inet. Nasty Original Stuff
abbr., IT Network Operating System
abbr., lab.law. National Occupational Standards (sheetikoff)
abbr., libr. not on shelf
abbr., meteorol. National Osteoporosis Society; Not Otherwise Specified; nitric oxide synthase; NO-syntase (Studentus); NO-synthase (Studentus); not otherwise specified (Natalya Rovina); NO synthase
abbr., mil. Nine One Six; Non Operating System
abbr., nautic., scient. National Ocean Service
abbr., oil net oil sand; Nigerian Oil Symposium; nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur
abbr., physiol. No Obvious Syndrome
abbr., polym. not otherwise stated
abbr., progr., IT Novell Operating System
abbr., relig. Nation Of Saints
abbr., scottish Night Observation Surveillance sight
abbr., space Nimbus operational system; non-oriented satellite
abbr., tradem. Nederlandse Omroep Stichting
mil. night observation sight; night observation surveillance; night observation system
oncol. Not otherwise specified (see ICDO)
tech. nuclear operations safety, licensing and assessment; nuclear operations support
Nos. abbr.
gen. ¹¹ (ABelonogov)
abbr. №№ (ABelonogov)
nos abbr.
abbr. not otherwise specified; number of seats (Евгений Тамарченко)
Nos abbr.
abbr. numbers
nos. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. numbers