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Mute [mju:t] n
comp., MS ミュート (An option that allows the user to temporarily suppress the device's microphone during a call so that no sound is transmitted to other call participants)
geogr. 六手
given. ムテ
n mute | n [mju:t] n
gen. 弱音器 (on musical instruments); 言語障害者
sens mute | sens [mju:t] n
gen. (おし)
adj-t adv-to n vs mute | adj-t adv-to n vs [mju:t] n
gen. 黙々; 黙黙
exp adj-i mute | exp adj-i [mju:t] n
gen. 声にならない
mute [mju:t] n
comp., MS ミュート (An option that allows the user to temporarily suppress the device's microphone during a call so that no sound is transmitted to other call participants)
 English thesaurus
MUTE [mju:t] abbr.
abbr., IT Multi User Textual Environment
abbr., mil. Multiplexed Unit for Transmission Elimination
mil. mobile universal test equipment
tech. miniature universal test equipment