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Lease [li:s] n
gen. リース
lease [li:s] n
gen. 借り上げる news2 nf31 (かりあげる); 借上げる; 借り入れる news2 nf33 (かりいれる)
comp., MS リース (The length of time for which a DHCP client can use a dynamically assigned IP address configuration. Before the lease time expires, the client must either renew or obtain a new lease with DHCP)
law 貸渡し Japanese Law Translation Database System ; 貸す (不動産・物品の場合, かす) Japanese Law Translation Database System ; 賃貸借 (ちんたいしゃく) Japanese Law Translation Database System
tech. 賃貸契約 (ちんたいけいやく)
n lease | n [li:s] n
gen. 借地権 (しゃくちけん); 賃貸借契約 (ちんたいしゃくけいやく); 運用委託 (e.g. to use facilities)
n vs lease | n vs [li:s] n
gen. 租借 (そしゃく); 賃貸し (ちんがし)
n leasehold | n [li:s] n
gen. 租借権 (そしゃくけん)
n vs adj-no lease | n vs adj-no [li:s] n
gen. 賃貸 ichi1 news1 nf08 (ちんない)
 English thesaurus
lease [li:s] n
law contract by which a landlord rents land, property, etc. to a tenant for a specified time; An agreement for renting real property. Usually written and for a specific amount of time
LEASE [li:s] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. limiting equilibrium analysis in soil engineering
Nasdaq Pride Automotive Group, Inc.
leases abbr.
abbr., oil lss
: 23 phrases in 6 subjects