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Imi abbr.
gen. 伊美
given. いみ; イミ; 伊実; 位望; 依巳; 維実; 維美; 衣美; 井実; 由美
names 衣実
surn. 伊見; 伊深; 井美; 五味
 English thesaurus
Imi abbr.
relig. Avoidance, taboo, something which causes pollution or hindrance, especially to a ceremony. This may include taboo words (see Imi-kotoba) such as kiru, to cut, during a wedding, temporary states of pollution (such as mourning), inauspicious times, dates and years of age (yakudoshi) and dangerous directions for travel. Most popular beliefs about imi including avoidance of dangerous days and inauspicious directions for journeys (kata-imi) which can be evaded by taking an indirect route (kata-tagae) derive from Taoist ideas about the movements of dangerous deities around the points of the compass. See Onmyo-do A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)
IMI abbr.
abbr. International Market Insight; Iraqi Minister of Information; Improved Manned Intercepter; Internationale Micro Investitionen AG (компания WiseSnake); Institute of the Motor Industry (Incorporated)
abbr., avia. Ine Island, Marshall Islands; initial maintenance inspection; interrogation sign; imbedded message identifier; installation & maintenance instructions; instrument memory indicator; installation/maintenance instructions
abbr., construct. International Masonry Institute (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., earth.sc. Imperial Metal Industries, Ltd.; interactive mesoscale initialisation; interactive system for meteorological image processing; International Meteorological Institute (Stockholm)
abbr., econ. International Market Insights
abbr., el. Integrated Microelectronics, Inc.; intermediate machine instruction; International Memories Inc.; ion microwelding instrument
abbr., immunol. indirect membrane immunofluorescence
abbr., med. Institute For Molecular Imaging; Institute Of Medical Illustrators; International Medical Implant; Commonwealth Mycological Institute; Imperial Mycological Institute; immunologically measurable insulin; inferior myocardial infarction
abbr., mil. international military information
abbr., nautic., scient. International Meteorological Institute
abbr., oil International Market Index
abbr., physiol. Intra-Muscular Injection
abbr., physiol., med. Intramuscular injection
abbr., radio, scient. Interrogation, or question
abbr., scottish Improved Mass Intercept; Israel Military Industries Ltd
abbr., st.exch. San Paolo- Imi, S. P. A.
abbr., tradem. International Marine Incorporated; Israel Military Industries; imperial Metal Industries (Англия)
mil. improved manned interceptor; infrared measurement instrument; installation and maintenance instruction; intermediate maintenance instruction; intermediate manned interceptor
tech. integrally molded insulation; ion micro welding instrument