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personal pronoun | abbreviation | to phrases
I [aɪ]
gen. 自分 ichi1 news1 nf01 (じぶん); 俺ら; 俺等; 己等; 私ども; 私共; 私供 ik; (used by male children, まち); I/O装置 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 入出力情報処理、 じょうほうしょり (にゅうしゅつりょく) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 浸入水 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; (unclass); (unclass); (unclass); (unclass); (unclass)
given. ; ;
obs. 我が党; 我党; ; 我ら news2 nf37 spec1; 我等; 吾等; 吾ら; 此れ ichi1 (me); (me); 是れ (me); (me); 之れ (me); (me); (me)
pejor. 汝等
slang 俺っち
surn. (い); ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
surn., geogr.
i [aɪ]
gen. 入出力ステーション Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend)
pn adj-no I | pn adj-no [aɪ]
gen. 此方 ichi1; news1 nf14; ; 吾れ io; 我れ io; ichi1 news1 nf01; 本職 news1 nf22 (of a government offical, etc.)
obs. ichi1 news1 nf08 (primarily used by women and children); (primarily used by women and children); (よよ); also written as 餘; 身共 (used when speaking to their equals or inferiors)
pn I | pn [aɪ]
gen. おおい; おーい; おい
obs. 我が身 news2 nf34; わが身; 我身 io; ; 麿; 麻呂
slang 漏れ (more); 洩れ; 泄れ
pn adj-no male I | pn adj-no male [aɪ]
gen. ichi1 news1 nf07; ichi1 news1 nf12
obs. 我輩 (nuance of arrogance); 吾輩 news2 nf39 (nuance of arrogance); 我が輩 (nuance of arrogance); 吾が輩 (nuance of arrogance); わが輩 (nuance of arrogance)
hum I | hum [aɪ]
obs. news1 nf10; 己れ; news1 nf06; (used by a servant when speaking to his master); (used by male entertainers)
pn hum I | pn hum [aɪ]
gen. 小職; 愚僧
obs. 下等
rel., budd. 貧道
n I | n [aɪ]
gen. ;
pn adj-no uk I | pn adj-no uk [aɪ]
inf. 此方人等
n I | n [aɪ]
n i | n [aɪ]
pn adj-no hum male I | pn adj-no hum male [aɪ]
gen. 小生 epistolary style news2 nf45
n hum I | n hum [aɪ]
gen. 不肖 news2 nf46 spec2
pn hum male I | pn hum male [aɪ]
gen. 小弟; 少弟
n Kagoshima dialect I | n [aɪ]
gen. おいどん
pn male I | pn male [aɪ]
gen. 乃公 sounds rough or arrogant
n i | n [aɪ]
n i [aɪ]
gen. 虚数 (square root of -1, kyosū) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
pn male I | pn male [aɪ]
obs. 野生 news1 nf06
pn adj-no hum male I | pn adj-no hum male [aɪ]
pn adj-no hum male primarily used in letters, etc. I | pn adj-no hum male [aɪ]
gen. 愚生
pn adj-no hum arch male I | pn adj-no hum arch male [aɪ]
gen. 拙者 (primarily used by samurai)
uk I | uk [aɪ]
gen. 何某 (personal pronoun)
n n-suf male hum I | n n-suf male hum [aɪ]
gen. (なま)
exp I ... | exp [aɪ]
gen. 己が が indicates possession
pn adj-no hum fem I | pn adj-no hum fem [aɪ]
 English thesaurus
I [aɪ] abbr.
abbr. acoustic intensity; candlepower; conduction current; current density; electric current; Idaho; indicating; infantry; Informal Report; interception; interceptor; Interim Report; international; Irish; Italy; Italian; luminous intensity; independence; instantaneous; institute; institution; Intelligence; Intrapictures (MPEG); Ireland; colicinogenic factor; irradiance
abbr., auto. injection; inlet valve; interstate highway; institute or institution; intake; intelligent
abbr., avia. intruder; induced; inertial; inlet; inquiry; interchange
abbr., busin. ice refrigerator; ignition; imperial; import; importation; indicate; industrial; industry; insoluble; institution; instructor; intelligence; interpreter; iodine; issue
abbr., cartogr. imperial; Iowa; iron
abbr., chem. HXR (hypoxanthine ribo side)
abbr., dril. in gage
abbr., drug.name Iodine
abbr., earth.sc. Iceland; icing; Illinoian; ilmenite; imbrication; inclusions; insolubility; instrumentation; intensity of light; intensity of magnetization flux; intermediate; intrusives; ion; ionic strength; Ireland; iron; moment of inertia; palaeomagnetic inclinations
abbr., el. ionic
abbr., electric. interpole
abbr., genet. inhibitor
abbr., geol. Isuan (MichaelBurov); Isuanian (MichaelBurov); Isuanian age (MichaelBurov); Isuanian Era (MichaelBurov); Isuanian Period (MichaelBurov); Isuanian time (MichaelBurov); the Isuanian (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inf. a (шотл. bellb1rd)
abbr., IT incomplete; intransitive
abbr., med. inspired (gas; SUBSCRIPT); inosine; insulin; intensity of magnetism; iodamoeba; isospora; ixodes; sound intensity; Endometrial Carcinoma In Situ Confined To The Corpus Uteri (International Federation Of Gynecologists And Obstetricians (FIGO) Classification); iodine; Ino; Ile
abbr., mil. individual
abbr., mil., air.def. airborne intercept; improvement factor; in-phase; radar interference
abbr., oil I-beam; ice; illite; illuminating power; imperfection; impulse; incidence; inclination; incomplete; independent; index; indicator; inertia; inertinite; injectivity index; inside; inspection; inspector; installation; instantaneous; institute; instruction; instrument (ation); intensity; intercept; interchangeability; interest; interface; interference; intermediate speed; Internet; invasion; inverter; ionization; isolated; isotope; isotropic
abbr., phys. enthalpy
abbr., physiol. Internal; Irritant
abbr., polym. initiator
abbr., scottish India (phonetic alphabet)
abbr., sport. injury
abbr., telecom. in
mil. immediate; inactivated; independent; indicator; inert; inspection; inspector; instruction; instructor; intercept; interceptor; interchangeability; interference; interpreter
I. abbr.
abbr. inertia
abbr., earth.sc. island; isle; isles; islet
abbr., tech. inclination
abbr., textile inseam
i [aɪ] abbr.
abbr. incisor; Inclination; nuclide ID (sup)
abbr., auto. gear ratio; immobilizer control unit
abbr., med. incisor; increased; independence; indication; induction; inertness; inspiratory; isochromosome; optically inactive
abbr., med., conv.notation. van't Hoff's factor
polym. general summation index; insoluble
mining. inside length
i- abbr.
abbr., chem. iso-; optically inactive
ITO [aɪ] abbr.
abbr., med. Transient Outward Current (heart Electrical Activity)
I [aɪ] abbr.
abbr., biochem. isoleucine (изолейцин Dimpassy)
abbr., el. current; icon; iconoscope; illumination; immediate; information; insert; interphone; interrupt; intra picture; invalid
abbr., geol. Isuan era (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT initial; intrinsic
abbr., med. Carcinoma Of The Vaginal Wall (International Federation Of Gynecologists And Obstetricians (FIGO) Classification)
mil. incendiary; input; instrument; inventory
i [aɪ] abbr.
abbr. angle of incidence; instantaneous current; vapour pressure constant
abbr., chem. Van't Hoff factor
abbr., earth.sc. indicated
abbr., math. imaginary number whose square equals minus one
avia. island
biol. inhibitory
mining. inch
O&G injected; injection rate; inner; interval; invaded zone; irreducible; slant
polym. inactive
water.suppl. Hydraulic Gradient
i. abbr.
abbr. inch; incidence; index; indication; indicated; induced
abbr., chem. inactive
abbr., earth.sc. indicator; insoluble
abbr., econ. interest
abbr., phys. intrinsic
: 1 phrase in 1 subject