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Gai abbr.
gen. (unclass)
geogr. ガイ (Russia, gai)
given. 凱依;
surn. 賀井; 瓦井;
 English thesaurus
GAI abbr.
abbr. Irish; Generalization Area of Intersection; State Automobile Inspectorate (GAI Alexander Demidov)
abbr., agric. Green Area Index (Задорожний)
abbr., avia. Gaithersburg, Maryland USA; glide automatic interception
abbr., earth.sc. Geophysical Associates International; gravimetric anisotropic interpolation method
abbr., el. graphics adapter interface
abbr., oil Geophysical Associates Incorporation
abbr., scottish General & Administrative Instruction
abbr., st.exch. Global- Tech Appliances, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Golder Associates Incorporated
invest. guaranteed annual income
mil. gate alarm indicator; general accounting instructions
gai abbr.
agric. grams of active ingredient (грамм активного ингридиента, гаи (например, норма внесения гербицидов, гаи/га) kat_j)
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects