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Eto abbr.
gen. 栄都 (unclass)
given. ゑと (Weto); エト; 絵都; 恵都
surn. 榎戸; 江戸; 江渡
 English thesaurus
ETO abbr.
abbr. Essentials - Tools - Objects (Apple); European Transport Organization; European Travel Operators
abbr., astronaut. Earth-to-Orbit
abbr., auto. extremity output
abbr., avia. estimated time over (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia., radio estimated time over (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., busin. estimated time over...
abbr., earth.sc. Exploratory Tubewell Organization (India); extended time observation
abbr., el. electronic temperature offset; ephemeris-tuned oscillator; equalized transmission only
abbr., industr. Engineered to Order (Sagoto)
abbr., IT Essentials Tools And Objects; electronic trade opportunity system
abbr., med. Eight-Twenty One (Natalya Rovina); estimated time of ovulation
abbr., mil. European Theater Of Operations; Earth-To-Orbit (Launcher); Emergency Transportation Operations (DOT)
abbr., oil estimated time off; exchange traded option
abbr., org.name. Ethics Office
abbr., pharm. ethionamide
abbr., st.exch. Equity Token Offering (bitcoinwiki.org oshkindt)
IT, abbr. Earth-to-Orbit (Space)
mil. estimated takeoff; European theater of operations; expiration of term of obligation; express transportation order
tech. engineering test order
eto abbr.
abbr. estimated take off
EtO abbr.
abbr. Ethylene oxide