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Erisa [ǝ'rɪsǝ] abbr.
gen. 愛里彩 (unclass); 愛莉紗 (unclass); 永里沙 (unclass); 英里沙 (unclass); 会里沙 (unclass); 恵里佐 (unclass)
given. えりさ; えり沙; えり紗; ヱリサ (Werisa); 愛梨咲; 愛里咲; 愛里紗; 依利砂; 依利紗; 依里砂; 依里紗; 衣理沙; 映里沙; 永理紗; 瑛梨紗; 英理紗; 絵更紗; 絵李沙; 絵梨沙; 絵理沙; 絵里沙; 絵里紗; 絵里早; 絵莉紗; 衿沙; 衿桜; 恵利沙; 恵李紗; 恵梨紗; 恵理沙; 恵理砂; 恵理紗; 恵里沙; 恵里砂; 恵里咲; 恵里紗; 恵莉紗; 江里紗; 枝里砂
names 英里砂; 英里紗
 English thesaurus
ERISA [ǝ'rɪsǝ] abbr.
abbr. Emasculated Results Insufficient Sophisticated Action; Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; Every Ridiculous Idea Since Adam; Every Rotten Idea Since Adam; Everything Ridiculous Imagined Since Adam
abbr., law Employee Retirement Income Security Act
abbr., med. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act