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EMA abbr.
org.name. 企業経営協会
Ema abbr.
gen. 映任 (unclass); 永舞 (unclass); 英茉 (unclass); 恵馬 (unclass); 江摩 (unclass); 咲真 (unclass); 咲舞 (unclass); 咲摩 (unclass); 枝馬 (unclass); 枝摩 (unclass); 惠麻 (unclass)
given. えま; エマ; 愛真; 愛舞; 愛麻; 愛茉; 依麻; 衣真; 衣舞; 衣万; 衣茉; 映真; 映摩; 映茉; 栄真; 栄麻; 永満; 永茉; 瑛真; 瑛麻; 英舞; 英麻; 詠真; 詠麻; 円舞; 会麻; 絵真; 絵舞; 絵摩; 絵万; 絵満; 絵茉; 恵愛; 恵真; 恵摩; 恵磨; 恵麻; 恵万; 恵満; 恵茉; 慧麻; 慧万; 慧眞; 結喜乃; 江真; 江舞; 江万; 江満; 江茉; 枝真; 枝麻; 枝万; 枝満; 枝茉; 笑真; 笑万; 笑満; 笑茉
names 永麻; 永万
surn. 依馬; 衣麻; 栄馬; 英真; 絵馬; 絵麻; 江麻
surn., geogr. 江間; 江馬
 English thesaurus
EMA abbr.
abbr. eMarketing Association; Emergency Management Agency; Ethnic Minority Achievement; European Manipuri Association; Extended Maintenance Agreement; East Midlands Airport (gconnell); Electronics Manufacturers Association; Electronics Material Agency; Electronics Materiel Agency; Emergency Minerals Administration (US); Europe, Middle East and Africa (Метран); European Marketing Association; European Monetary Agreement; Extended Mercury Autocode; End of Module Assessment (Johnny Bravo); ethylmethacrylate
abbr., agric. Environmental Management For Agriculture
abbr., auto. emission measurement apparatus
abbr., avia. East Midlands, England, UK; electromagnetic analyzer; in the event of a missed approach; electron micro probe analysis; electromechanical actuator; engine manufacturing association
abbr., chem. ethylmercuric acetate
abbr., chem., scient. Ethylene Methacrylic Acid
abbr., commun. executive
abbr., comp. Electronic Mail/Messaging Association (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. Electronic Mail Association; Electronic Manufacturers Association; Electronic Messaging Association
abbr., comp., net., IT External Model Access
abbr., earth.sc. emergency management act; Energy Management of America; environmental management agency
abbr., ecol. experimental modal analysis
abbr., ed. End-of-Module Assessment (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. Educational Maintenance Allowance
abbr., el. electronic missile acquisition; effective mass approximation; electric microwave absorption; electromagnetic absorption (spectroscopy); ellipsoidal mirror analyzer; emergency action
abbr., el., scient. Easy Magnetization Axis
abbr., file.ext. Enterprise Management/Memory Architecture
abbr., gyrosc. electromagnetic accelerometer
abbr., immunol. epithelial membrane antigen
abbr., IT Electronic Management Automation; Encina Monitor Administration; Enterprise Management Architecture
abbr., law Education Maintenance Allowance; Emotionally Motivated Agent
abbr., life.sc. ecological momentary assessment
abbr., Makarov. the effective mass approximation
abbr., market. Executive Marketing Assistant (Sloneno4eg)
abbr., med. Emergency Medical Assistant; Emergency Medical Attendant; EMEA (MichaelBurov); European Medicines Agency (MichaelBurov); Emergent Medical Associates; electrophoretic mobility and agglutinability
abbr., mil., avia. electromechanical actuation
abbr., mus. European Music Awards
abbr., O&G. tech. Engine Manufacturers Association
abbr., oil equivalent methane in air; effective medium approximation; electron microprobe analysis; emulsified acid; emulsifying agent; Environmental Management Association; polyethylmethacrylate
abbr., opt. extramural absorption
abbr., physiol., med. Extra Muscular Action
abbr., plast. ethylene-maleic-anhydride-copolymer; ethylene-maleic anhydride copolymer
abbr., post Emergency Management Activity; Envelope Manufacturers Association (industry trade association); Equipment Maintenance Allowance (i.e. mileage for private car)
abbr., radio, scient. E Mail Address
abbr., scottish Electromagnetic Armour; External Mounting Assembly
abbr., st.exch. Exponential Moving Average
abbr., survey. Elevation Mask Angle (GPS Yuri Ginsburg)
abbr., tech. Copolymer From Ethylene and Methacrylic Acid (Vosoni)
abbr., tradem. Educational Media Association
comp. electromagnetic actuator
mil. electromagnetic analysis; emergency assistance; emergency movements, atomic; engine maintenance area; equipment maintenance agreement
tech. electronic maintenance assembly; electronic measuring apparatus; extended memory area
Ema abbr.
relig. Small wooden tablets, usually five-sided and about the size of a hand, distributed at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples all over Japan. Ema means "horse-picture" and was perhaps in origin (the earliest known ema date from the eighth century) a substitute for a horse offered to the shrine as a messenger or servant of the kami. In the Muromachi and Tokugawa periods o-ema (large sized ema) developed as a professional art form, and were offered to temple-shrines and exhibited in emado (ema-halls) as thanks for some benefit received or for their artistic merit, a custom which continues. Pictorial conventions developed among professional manufacturers of small ema, so that a dog depicted easy birth (as in the hara-obi), a phallus represented fertility, a padlock over the character kokoro (heart) indicated a vow of abstinence and so forth. Ema today frequently carry on one side a picture of the current year-animal (see Juni-shi) such as a dragon, snake or monkey and a pattern or image related to the shrine from which they are obtained, including in some cases the riyaku for which the shrine is known. On the other side shrine visitors inscribe their name, address and personal o-negai (prayerful request) either for a specific problem to be resolved or more generally for benefits such as good health or success in examinations (gokaku), work or marriage. Ema may also embody a vow, a message to a spirit, an ancestor or dead relative including an aborted baby (mizuko), thanks or appreciation for a successful recovery or a statement of resolve. Unlike talismans and amulets (o-fuda, o-mamori) which embody the spirit of the kami and are taken away, ema are messages to the kami or bostatsu which are posted at the shrine, but along with o-fuda and o-mamori the old year's ema are normally burnt at New Year A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)