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to phrases
brand [brænd] n
gen. 呼ぶ ichi1 news1 nf02; 喚ぶ; 焼印を押す (cattle, etc.); 焼き印を押す (cattle, etc.); 焼きごて; 焼き鏝; 焼鏝; 商標 (shōhyō) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
n brand | n [brænd] n
gen. ブランド gai1; 焼印 (burnt-in mark of identification); 焼き印 (burnt-in mark of identification); 銘柄 news1 nf05 (meigara); 烙印; 品種 ichi1 news1 nf08 (ひんしゅ)
Brand [brænd] n
gen. ブランド
 English thesaurus
brand [brænd] abbr.
abbr., agric. br
BRAND [brænd] abbr.
abbr., avia. broad band
abbr., comp., net., IT Broadband For Rural And Northern Development
Brand: 1 phrase in 1 subject