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Aoi abbr.
gen. 葵絵 (unclass)
given. あおい; あおゐ; あお依; あをい (Awoi); 亜緒伊; 亜緒依; 亜緒衣; 亜生; 亜麻依; 亜麻衣; 阿緒衣; 阿生衣; ; 愛依; 愛央; 愛央以; 愛央依; 愛音依; 愛桜依; 愛桜衣; 愛緒依; 愛緒衣; 愛緒生; 愛織姫; 愛生; 葵以; 葵伊; 葵依; 葵威; 葵維; 葵衣; 葵央; 葵生; 葵蒼碧; 葵唯; 葵苺; 粟生; 粟生生; 安於生; 安央依; 安央維; 安緒衣; 安生; 安生衣; 杏桜衣; 杏桜生; 杏緒; ; 夏葵; ; 仰日; (そら); 空生; 向葵; 紺碧; 彩桜; 彩生; (mizu); 翠氷; 晴天 (せいてん); 青依; 青偉; 青衣; 青育; 青空; 青好; 青生; 扇以; 扇依; 扇衣; 扇巳; 相生 (あいおい); 蒼以; 蒼伊; 蒼依; 蒼惟; 蒼維; 蒼衣; 蒼祈; 蒼空; 蒼彩; 蒼生; 蒼泉; 蒼宙; 蒼唯; 蒼苺; 暖穂生; 文生伊; 碧以; 碧依; 碧偉; 碧惟; 碧維; 碧衣; 碧乙; 碧音; 碧海; 碧彩; 碧生; 碧泉; 碧妃; 碧唯; 歩緒生; 歩生; 麻央衣; 麻緒衣; 明葵; 明桜衣; 明緒衣; 明生; ; 藍衣; 藍憩; 藍生; 藍苺
names 亜花; 亜生衣; 青い; 碧苺; 藍以; 藍伊; 藍惟; 藍唯
surn. ; (あお); 青位; 青居; ; 蒼井; ; 碧い
surn., geogr. 青井
 English thesaurus
AOI abbr.
abbr. Ability Opportunity And Intent; Age Of Innocence; All Other Income; And Or Invert; Automated Optical Inspection
abbr., AI. Attribute Oriented Induction
abbr., astronaut. Announcement of Opportunity Instrument
abbr., avia. Area of Interest; angle of incidence; available option index; aircraft operating instruction; assembly operation index; aviation overhaul instruction
abbr., cartogr. Area of interest (http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/abbrev.html Anglomania)
abbr., comp. And-Or-Invert (gate)
abbr., earth.sc. and-or-invert; area-of-interest
abbr., el. automatic optical inspection (system); active output interface; ac»usto-optic imaging; acousto-optic interaction; AND-OR-INVERT gate; automatic operator interface
abbr., environ. Area Of Impact (Maria_Shal)
abbr., fin. all ordinaries index
abbr., IT automated operator interface
abbr., med. Aide Odontologique Internationale; AO Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuer Osteosynthesefragen International; Association De L'Ostéogenèse Imparfaite; Association for Osteosynthesis Institute
abbr., mil. area of operational interest (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., mil., avia. advanced ordering information
abbr., oil acoustic optical imaging; and-or-inverter
abbr., post associate office infrastructure
abbr., scottish Arab Organization for Industrialization (Egypt)
abbr., tech. area of interest
airports Ancona, Italy
mil. advance ordering information; Area of Influence; area of interest
tech. abnormal operating instruction