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Announcement [ə'naunsmənt] n
gen. 公示 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS お知らせ (A Microsoft Dynamics CRM component that is used to communicate text information in a bulletin-board fashion to an organization)
n vs announcement | n vs [ə'naunsmənt] n
gen. 公布 ichi1 news1 nf24 (こうふ); 告知 news1 nf11; 宣言 ichi1 news1 nf01; 通告 news1 nf10 (つうこく); 発表 ichi1 news1 nf02 (はっぴょう); 披露 news1 nf10; 披露目 ateji; 広め; 弘め; 広目 ateji; 表明 news1 nf03
n announcement | n [ə'naunsmənt] n
gen. アナウンスメント; お達し; 御達し
abbr. アナウンス gai1
comp. 記者発表
announcement [ə'naunsmənt] n
law 公表 (こうひょう) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n company announcement | n [ə'naunsmənt] n
gen. 社告 news1 nf23
Announcements n
comp., MS お知らせ (The Settings sub-area where you can configure the publication settings for internal business news and notices)