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wt | atomic weight
 atomic weight
antenn. atoomgewicht n
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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
WT abbr.
abbr., progr. write-through (ssn)
wts abbr.
abbr., busin. warrants; weights
WT abbr.
abbr. Wait Time; Washington Territory; Watch Time; Wayne Township; West Texas; White Trash; Whole Tree harvest; Wildlife Trust; William Tanner; William Thomas; Williams Township; Withholding Tax; Working Title; war time; Water Tight; Waterford Township; Wave Table (Vosoni); Weapon Total; What The ....; Wire Transmit; Wireless Toyz; Wireless Transceiver; without thinking; Wolf Trail; wood threshold; Word Trainer; Wrestling Territories; Write Through (Vosoni); water tube boiler; water turbine
abbr., auto. variable vacuum transducer; variable valve timing; winterization
abbr., automat. wall thickness
abbr., avia. maximum wing tank quantity; waste ticket; wheel track; wheel tread; wind tee; window timer; wing tip; with title; working technical
abbr., bank. Wire Transfer (Пахно Е.А.); Withdrawals by Transfer (aht)
abbr., BrE wireless telegraphy; wireless telephony
abbr., busin. wait; weight ton; width; with transhipment
abbr., commer. water-tight
abbr., earth.sc. water tension; water thermometer; wave-equation traveltime inversion; weather of target; winter tropics; worm tubes (serpulids)
abbr., econ. with transshipment
abbr., el. wafer topography; watchdog timer; wavelength tunable; wide track; wireless terminal; word terminal; write
abbr., el.chem. weight per cent
abbr., fin. Weighted TeraFLOPS
abbr., inet. What The...
abbr., IT Wireless Telephony
abbr., Makarov. water tank
abbr., mil. Walkie Talkie; WaterTight; Wavelet Transform; warping tug
abbr., nautic., scient. Wireless Thermometer
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. treated water
abbr., oil worn teeth (andrushin); water table; water tender; water tower; water transportation; water tube (boiler); wave equation travel-time (inversion); wave trap; welded tuff; well testing; wireless telegraph; wireless telephone; working temperature
abbr., physiol. wild type
abbr., physiol., med. Weight
abbr., polym. water treeing; watertight
abbr., post Weight (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., radio walkie-talkie
abbr., scottish Weapon Training
abbr., soil. tunnel erosion
abbr., space weapon test; wind tunnel
abbr., st.exch. Warrant
abbr., tech. wide temperature (13.05)
abbr., textile Wing Tips
abbr., vet.med., med. Wild Turkey
energ.ind. waste fuel; wind transducer; wind turbine
mil. war transport; warning tag; water transport; weapons technician; weapons test; weapons tight; weapons training; winterization test
tech. waste treatment; waveguide transmission; wireless transmitter; wireless truck
wt abbr.
abbr. warrant; warranted; wartime; weight; wrought iron
abbr., busin. what
abbr., med. white
biol. wild type
insur. Without
O&G watt
wt. abbr.
abbr. per ft. weight per foot
abbr., econ. warrant
abbr., med. weight
abbr., tech. watt
econ. gross weight (Seregaboss)
wt% abbr.
abbr. weight percent
O&G, sakh. weight percentage
wt. % abbr.
abbr. percents by weight
Wt abbr.
abbr., med. total work of breathing
energ.ind. total moisture content
Wt% abbr.
chem. weight per cent
: 1 phrase in 1 subject