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reference data
comp., MS verwijzingsgegevens (Data characterized by shared read operations and infrequent changes. Examples of reference data include flight schedules and product catalogs. Windows Server AppFabric offers the local cache feature for storing this type of data); referentiegegevens (Named entities that have no describing properties or numeric values); verwijzingen (A member in a dimension in the context of a dimension table in a relational database)
stat., work.fl. referentiepunten; uitgangspunten
transp., tech., law referentiegegevens
reference datum
earth.sc., mech.eng. referentiehoogte f
IT, transp. referentiepunt voor zwaartepuntsbepaling
 English thesaurus
Reference Data
abbr. reda (Alexander Matytsin)
media., abbr. RD
reference data: 7 phrases in 4 subjects