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agric. erwt; als groente gegeten erwt; ert
in | pods
agric. peul; peulen
industr. construct. cocon
mater.sc. zak; houder; ouwel

noun | noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
pea [pi:] n
agric. erwt f (Pisum sativum); als groente gegeten erwt (Pisum sativum); ert m (Pisum sativum)
stat., agric. erwten
 English thesaurus
PEA [pi:] abbr.
abbr., avia. process equipment accessory
abbr., econ. project executing agency
abbr., el. pitch error amplifier
abbr., Makarov. poly (ethylene adipate)
abbr., med. pulseless electrical activity
abbr., mil., avia. passive experimental array
chem. фенилэтиловый спирт Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol (Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol (also known as phenethyl alcohol or 2-phenylethanol) is a colorless, aromatic, and somewhat viscous liquid fragrance found naturally in many essential oils in nature such as rose, carnation, hyacinth and many others. acggp.com Maldiviana)
PEA [pi:] abbr.
abbr., busin. Preliminary Economic Assessment (проекта MichaelBurov)
PEA [pi:] abbr.
abbr. Practice Edi Administrator; Preliminary Environmental Assessment; Presidential Executive Agreement; Performance Evaluation Audit; Physical Education Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Push Epi Asshole
abbr., chem., scient. Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
abbr., ed. Private Education Aid
abbr., environ. Public Environmental Analysis
abbr., file.ext. Pocket Ethernet Adapter
abbr., inet. Permanent Email Address
abbr., IT Push Effective Absolute; Push Effective Address
abbr., Makarov. poly (ethyl acrylate)
abbr., manag. Project Expenditure Assessment (Оценка затрат проекта Secretary)
abbr., med. Pulseless Electrical Activity; Phenyl Ethyl Amine
abbr., mil. Preliminary Endangerment Assessment
abbr., polym. polyethyl aery late; polyethylene adipate; Polymer Exemption Assessment (Karabas)
abbr., post Permanent Electronic Address (Brazil)
abbr., qual.cont. physical effects analysis
chem. Polyethyl Acrylate
mil. passive experimental array; platform electronics assembly; program element administrator
tech. positive electron affinity
pea [pi:] abbr.
abbr. pulverized coal ash
austral. Darling pea
PEAS abbr.
abbr. Psychological Operations Effectiveness Analysis Subsystem; PSYOP Effects Analysis System
abbr., med. Patient Education And Activation System; Possible Estuary-associated Syndrome; production engineering advisory service
abbr., mil., WMD Project engineer for acquisition support
peas: 154 phrases in 8 subjects
Food industry13
Life sciences27
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation22
Natural sciences54