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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
para ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr., inf. paraprofessiona (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/para?s=t yulia_mikh)
inf. paraprofessional (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/para?s=t yulia_mikh)
paras. abbr.
abbr., libr. paragraphs
paras ['pærǝz] n
econ. paragraph (Seregaboss)
PARA ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr. parameter
abbr., BrE parachute regiment
abbr., el. perceiving and recognition automation
abbr., mil., avia. parachute
abbr., oil paraffins, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes; paramagnetic resonance method
abbr., physiol. Number of pregnancies, whether term pregnancies, pre-term, abortion, live birth, stillborn
abbr., physiol., med. Number Of Pregnancies; Number of Pregnancy
abbr., plast. polyarylamide
abbr., sport. Pennsylvania Alpine Racing Association
para. abbr.
abbr. paragraph; parachute; parachutist; parallel; para rubber
abbr., earth.sc. paramagnetic
abbr., libr. paragraphs
para ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr. paragraph
abbr., polym. p.
inf. parachutist
Para ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr. parachute; Paraguay
Parag. ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr. Paraguay; Paraguayan
Para ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr., oil Paraparchites
Para. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. paramagnetic resonance method
Para Brazil ['pɑ:rə] abbr.
abbr. PA (Alex Lilo)
: 46 phrases in 12 subjects
Earth sciences1
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes2
Life sciences1
Natural sciences3
Pharmacy and pharmacology1