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law merk
| arrangements
commun. juiste verdeling
comp., MS indeling
cultur. muzikale aanpassing; muzikale bewerking
el. componentenopstelling
law commer. polit. regeling
law market. onderhands akkoord
work.fl. IT ordening; rangschikking
for | insolvency
fin. account. zeer grote schuldenlast
in the | other
stat. overige ontvangsten
| member countries
 member country
econ. lidstaat
- only individual words found

adjective | noun | to phrases
make of a motor vehicle [meɪk] adj.
law merk van een motorvoertuig
 English thesaurus
MAKE [meɪk] abbr.
abbr., mil. Missile Agility/Kinematic Enhancement
abbr., mil., avia. missile agility kinematic enhancement
make arrangements for insolvency in the other member countries
: 1 phrase in 1 subject