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gen. ontvangsten
econ. inkomen
| limit
commun. gegeven waarde
fin. grens; limiet; drempelbedrag; maximum
IT scheidingsteken
tech. grensmaat
for | chargeable
fin. onderworpen aan rechten
| contributions
law market. inbreng in de vennootschap
| maximum level
 maximum level
industr. construct. topstand
of | income
gen. ontvangsten
| on
earth.sc. el. ingeschakeld
which | social insurance
 social insurance
fin. social.sc. sociale verzekering
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
income ['ickem,'in-] n
gen. ontvangsten
income ['ickem,'in-] adj.
econ. inkomen
income The gain derived from capital, from labour or effort, or both combined, including profit or gain through sale or conversion of capital ['ickem,'in-] adj.
environ. inkomen
 English thesaurus
income ['ickem,'in-] abbr.
abbr. inc; in (Vosoni)
income limit for chargeable contributions, maximum level of income on which social insurance: 3 phrases in 1 subject