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gen. roerende lichamelijke zaak
environ. goederen; goederen/waren; goederen
of | wood
agric. bos
environ. bos; hout
nat.sc. xyleem
agric. bos
| cork
econ. kurk
| reed
gen. bamboerietjes voor muziekinstrumenten
| cane
industr. construct. chem. ronde staaf
| wicker
health. mandewerk
| horn
commun. klaxon
| bone
agric. construct. uitbenen
| ivory
fish.farm. ivoor
| whalebone
agric. balein
| shell
fish.farm. schelpen
| amber
chem. barnsteen
| mother-of-pearl
fish.farm. parelmoer
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
goods [gʊdz] n
environ. goederen; goederen/waren
law, econ. reële goederen
goods A term of variable content and meaning. It may include every species of personal chattels or property. Items of merchandise, supplies, raw materials, or finished goods. Land is excluded [gʊdz] n
environ. goederen
good [gʊd] n
gen. roerende lichamelijke zaak
 English thesaurus
goods [gʊdz] abbr.
abbr., auto. GDS/gds
goods [gʊdz] abbr.
abbr. gds
goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl
: 4 phrases in 1 subject