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ER [-ə] int.
comp., MS Spoeddienst (The section of a health care facility staffed and equiped to provide rapid treatment for patients requiring immediate medical care)
 English thesaurus
er [-ə] abbr.
agric. evaporation rate
O&G detector elevation with respect to datum
O&G, sakh. expenditure estimate (similar/identical to OME)
ER [-ə] abbr.
abbr. Earthquake Relief; Easily Replaced; Eastern Range; Emergency Rescue; Emergency Response; Emergency Rule; English Russian; European Russia; Explicit Rate; External Relations; emergency room; EAGLE REACH; East Rudolf; Eastern Region; Eat Regularly; Edit And Revise; Edward Rizzo; Egress Router; electrical resistance; Electrode Rod; electron-recording tube (Vosoni); Electronic Ram; Electronic Relationships; Elizabeth Regina; emergency response (SEIC ABelonogov); engine room; Engineered For Racing; Enslaved Race; Escape Request; established reliability; Eva Rescue; Evaluate Refute; Event Referee; Everybody Run; Evidence Rules (court rules); Expected Runs; Expert Resources; Extended Resolution; external resistance (Vosoni); Extra Rare; Extra Receiver
abbr., automat. entity-relationship
abbr., biol. endoplasmic reticulum
abbr., BrE Emergency Reserve; extraordinary resolution (similar to a special resolution albeit notice requirement is 14 days (as opposed to 21 days for a special resolution). LE Alexander Demidov)
abbr., busin. Employer’s Requirements (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., chem., scient. Electron Reflectometer; Erbium
abbr., comp., net. equipment room (MichaelBurov)
abbr., drug.name Extended Release
abbr., EBRD exhaustible resources (raf); tender evaluation report (raf)
abbr., el. electroreflectance
abbr., file.ext. Error Recovery
abbr., food.ind. expansion ratio
abbr., HR employment record (tania_mouse)
abbr., IT Entity Relationship; explicit rate
abbr., med. Emergency Room реанимационная палата (a medical ward or facility specializing in acute care Val_Ships); Epigastric Region; Etretinate; extended-release; estrogen receptor (эстрогеновый рецептор ADol); event rate (доказательная медицина harser); exertional rhabdomyolysis
abbr., mil. Electro Rheological; Electronic Reserve; Ever Ready; Extended Range; Extended Response; emergency rescue; en-route; enhanced radiation; Exfiltration Rocket
abbr., mil., WMD engineering regulation; environmental restoration
abbr., O&G, sakh. Employee Relations; expenditure request (similar/identical to OME; estimate); expense report; extended reach; expenditure request estimate (similar/identical to OME)
abbr., oil enhanced recovery; erosion (andrushin); reservoir recovery efficiency
abbr., pharma. extended release (с продленным высвобождением активного вещества (лекарственная форма) Dimpassy)
abbr., physiol., med. Endoplasmic Reticulum; Enhanced Response; External Rotation
abbr., polit. Eritrea
abbr., polym. evolution reaction; extruded rod
abbr., R&D. Experienced researcher (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., scient. Earth Resource; external regulation (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Electro-rheological (fluid)
abbr., semicond. electro-reflectance
abbr., telecom. equipment room
ecol. environmental report
energ.ind. environmental research; epithermal reactor
immunol., med. Estrogen receptor
mil. echo ranging; effectiveness report; electronic reconnaissance; emergency request; engineering regulations; engineering report; equipment regulations; equipment requirements; evaluation report; explosives report; extended range
O&G engineering room
physiol., abbr. Emergency room
tech. earth return; effective resistance; electro reflectance; electron recording; electron resist; electrorefining; emergency recovery; equivalent roentgen; erase relay; error rate; error recorder
tradem. Erie
er [-ə] abbr.
abbr., busin. erroneous; error
abbr., med. erythrocyte
er. abbr.
abbr. error
abbr., commer. en route; estimated rental
abbr., libr. erroneous
ER [-ə] abbr.
abbr. electrical reflection; electron reconnaissance; error relay; European Record (Рекорд Европы Eugene37); erase; ergastoplasm; extremely rough
abbr., AI. Expected Risk
abbr., auto. EGR rate; electronic regulator; engine running
abbr., avia. engine reliability; engineering release; engineering reports; event review; extend; E/R extend/retract; electronic release; elevator rib; emergency repair; end relief; engine run; engineering relationship; engineering review; equipment regulation; equipment requirement; error report; event report; explosive rivet; Astar Air Cargo
abbr., baseb. earned runs
abbr., busin. elder; endurance ratio; estimated rental; ethylene rubber; exchange rate
abbr., construct. Employer's Representative (fddhhdot)
abbr., earth.sc. Earth radius; Earth Rate; easier reduction; electrical resistivity; emission rate; engineer regulation; enrichment ratio; environmental reconnaissance; epoxide resin; extraction ratio; Office of Energy Research
abbr., econ. Environmental Research Limited
abbr., el. edge recording; edge router; electrorheological effect; emergency routing; energy resolved; environmental resistance; error resilience; etching rate; event record; exception report; explicit reservation; exposing radiation; external register; external resonator; error register
abbr., expl. energy raio
abbr., IT explicit route; extended reality (Alex_Odeychuk); environment recording
abbr., med. essential requirements (нормативные требования для медицинских изделий в ЕС vlad-and-slav); efficiency rating; ejection rate; estradiol receptor; evoked response; extended resistance
abbr., oil electronic-reflectance; en route; Energy Review; enumeration area; environmental risk; epoxy resin; exhaust register; expected result; expediting report; exploration ratio; export restraints; external reflux
abbr., radio electron-recording (tube)
abbr., securit. exchange ratio
abbr., space earth resources; electron ic reconnaissance; extended-range; extraterrestrial resources
abbr., sport. earned run
abbr., tech. electromagnetic radiation
abbr., telecom. extinction ratio
Er [-ə] abbr.
abbr. oil recovery efficiency; Erbium
abbr., oil equivalence in year; erionite
ERSi [-ə] abbr.
abbr., el. silicon etch rate
ERGe [-ə] abbr.
abbr., el. germanium etch rate
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects