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life.sc. boltweehoek; ijsgordel
met. kolenzak
transp. mech.eng. gordel; veiligheidsgordel
industr. construct. riem; aandrijfriemen; banden; riemen; transportbanden
| drive
transp. agric. flexibel aan elkaar gebonden drijvende boomstammen
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
belt [belt] n
social.sc. belt m
belt [belt] v
agric. enkele band; riem
el. mantel
life.sc. boltweehoek; ijsgordel
met. kolenzak
met., mech.eng. valhamerriem
transp., mech.eng. gordel; veiligheidsgordel
belting ['beltɪŋ] v
industr., construct. riem; aandrijfriemen; banden; riemen; transportbanden
mech.eng. weefsel
transp. berghout
belts v
patents. ceintuurs
transp. veiligheidsgordel; gordel
belts clothing v
gen. ceintuurs kleding
belts not of metal, for handling loads v
gen. singels, niet van metaal, voor het verladen van vracht
belts being articles of clothing v
patents. ceintuurs
 English thesaurus
belt [belt] n
mil., logist. Normally, a brigade-level obstacle control measure that specifies the intent and location of subordinate obstacles. It also supports the intent of the higher headquarters obstacle zone. (FRA)
Belt [belt] n
geol. Beltian (MichaelBurov)
BELT [belt] abbr.
abbr., auto. belt tell-tale
abbr., ed. Burks Early Learning Together
abbr., file.ext. Basic Encoding Unit
abbr., relig. Biblical Education And Leadership Training
BELTS abbr.
abbr., org.name. Basic Elements of Land Tenure Systems
belt drive
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering7