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bee [bi:] n
nat.res., agric. bije...; bijen...; bijen
bees n
nat.sc., agric. Apis mellifica; bij f; honingbij f
zool. bijen (Apidae); bijachtigen (Apoidea)
bee Any of the membranous-winged insects which compose the superfamily Apoidea in the order Hymenoptera characterized by a hairy body and by sucking and chewing mouthparts [bi:] n
environ. bijen
 English thesaurus
BEE [bi:] abbr.
abbr. Beer Every End; Better Environment For Everyone; Bjorn Erik Edvardsen; Black Economic Empowerment; Black Elite Enrichment; Black Empowered Enterprises
abbr., avia. Beagle Bay, Western Australia, Australia
abbr., busin. Business Efficiency Exhibition; Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
abbr., earth.sc. Betz Environmental Engineering, Inc.
abbr., econ. Black Economic Empowerment (yurych)
abbr., ed. Books Each And Everyday; Bring Everything Everyday; Business Electronic Education
abbr., environ. Better Environment Endeavour; Bicycle For Everyones Earth
abbr., mil. bioenvironmental engineering officer
abbr., oil benzene exhaust emission
abbr., pharm. Basal Energy Expenditure (kreecher)
abbr., progr., IT Biggascale Emulation Engine
abbr., relig. Becoming Engaged Everywhere
abbr., sport. basic energy expenditure
abbr., tradem. Bangor Electronic Engineering
tech. bachelor of electrical engineering
Bees n
mil., navy Sea Bees (MichaelBurov)
bee: 153 phrases in 10 subjects
Animal husbandry2
Food industry2
Health care13
Life sciences3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation14
Natural sciences24