
Google | Forvo | +
aero | repair
gen. instandhouding; reparatie; restauratie
med. herstel; herstel van weefsel
patents. reparaties
pharma. genezing
econ. mater.sc. reparatiekosten
insur. herstellingen; reparaties
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
AERO [e'(ə)rəu] abbr.
abbr. Aeronautics Employees Reaching Out; Alternative Education Resource Organization; Artists Equal Rights Organization; aerographer (метеоролог Углов); Air Education and Recreation Organization (Организация по авиационному образованию и рекреации (Великобритания) Углов); Association for Excellence in Reactor Operations; Association of Electronic Reserve Officers
abbr., avia. aerodynamic; atmospheric flight support; aviation routine weather report
abbr., cartogr. aeronautic; aeronautical; aeronautical beacon; aeronautical light
abbr., ed. American Education Reaches Out
abbr., med. Aerobacter
abbr., mil. Aeronautical Events Reports Organizer; Aircraft Engine Repair Overhaul
abbr., mil., avia. aeroballistics
abbr., progr., IT Animation Editor for Realistic Object
abbr., scottish Aeronautical weather report
abbr., sport. Aerobic Endurance Resistance Overload
tech. azimuth, elevation and range overtake
aero [e'(ə)rəu] abbr.
abbr. aerodynamics; aeronautics; aerodynamically efficient
cycl. aerodynamically efficient (эффективный аэродинамически, т.е. обеспечивающий минимальное аэродинамическое сопротивление)
aero. abbr.
abbr. aerodrome
abbr., econ. aeronautics; aeronautical
.aero n
file.ext. Aviation Industry (Domain Name, Internet)
AEROS abbr.
abbr., mil., astronaut. aeronomy satellite
inet. Aviation Industry (Domain Name)
AERO [e'(ə)rəu] abbr.
abbr., avia. aero; Air Education and Research Organisation; azimuth; elevation and range overtake
: 16 phrases in 8 subjects
Earth sciences1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Natural sciences4