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abt. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. about
abt abbr.
polym. about
ABT abbr.
abbr. American Ballet Theater; Approximate Burn Time; air blast transformer (трансформатор с охлаждением искусственной циркуляцией воздуха, трансформатор с принудительным [искусственным] воздушным охлаждением Углов); American Board of Trade; Association of Building Technicians (Ассоциация техников-строителей (Великобритания) Углов); automatic beacon transponder (автоматический радиомаяк-ответчик Углов)
abbr., avia. Al- Baha, Saudi Arabia; air blast transformer; airborne tracking
abbr., ed. American Ballet Theatre
abbr., el. advanced BiCMOS technology; advanced BiCMOS TTL interface logic; air bearing table; Applied Beam Technology, Inc.; ATM block transmission
abbr., energ.syst. availability based tariff (MichaelBurov); availability-based tariff (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Anglo Babylonian Time
abbr., file.ext. Abort
abbr., fish.farm. average belly thickness (iwona)
abbr., immunol. autologous blood transfusion
abbr., inet. Anything But The
abbr., IT Automatic Bench Test
abbr., med. Abstract Behavioral Type; Autologous Blood Transfusion; Lopinavir; Applied Biological Technology; asian body therapy (ПОХА)
abbr., mil. Air Breathing Threat; Air-Breathing Target
abbr., mus. Advanced Bass Technology
abbr., nautic. About
abbr., oil acid base titration; actual boiling temperature; alkyl benzothiophene; all body type; automatic balance type; automatic bus transistor; average bed temperature
abbr., polym. average burning time
abbr., progr., IT Advanced Brightness Technology
abbr., scient. All But Thesis
abbr., sport. Abs, Buns, and Thighs
abbr., tradem. American Bell Telephone; Amity Boat Tours
abbr., transp. Active Brake Technology
NYSE., st.exch. Abbott Laboratories
tech. automatic bus transfer
AbT abbr.
abbr., oil absorbing trunk
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Obsolete / dated2