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abbreviation | noun | to phrases
v. abbr.
abbr. ontsteken; afbotten; afstemmen; binden; verbreken; bekrachtigen; afbreken; opleggen; component of velocity along Y-axis; potential; specific volume (of a gas); vapourization rate; vertical force; vertical welding position
abbr., avia. VIP baggage; VOR airway
abbr., busin. valuation; vapour; versus; vice; vide; vitamine; voucher; voyage; five; we
abbr., commer. void compartment
abbr., earth.sc. landmass volume; specific volume; total volume; Vaasa dolerites; vaterite; void; volumetry
abbr., math. variant
abbr., mech.eng. cutting speed in feet per minute
abbr., med. max maximal velocity
abbr., oil valley; van; velocity component; vent; ventilator; vermiculite; vertical drive; very high; violet; viscosifier; vitrinite; volatile; volcanic; volts; voltmeter; volumetric; vuggy
abbr., phys. electromotive force; potential difference
abbr., telecom. virtual
Gruzovik, abbr., econ. valorization
 English thesaurus
V. abbr.
abbr. vapor; vapour; vision; visible
abbr., avia. visibility
abbr., commer. version; valeur nominale; voie navigable
abbr., dril. velocity
abbr., earth.sc. value; variable; viscosity; volume
σV abbr.
abbr. equivalent conductivity
μV abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. microvolt
V [vi:] abbr.
abbr. Value; Vehicle; Volume; Vergeltungswaffe (reprisal weapon: V1, flying bomb; V2, rocket Vosoni); vulnerable point
abbr., adv. very high frequency
abbr., anim.husb. vitamin
abbr., auto. V-engine
abbr., avia. vane; vendor; Venus; verb; vortex
abbr., biochem. valine (валин Dimpassy)
abbr., cartogr. ferry for vehicle; villa
abbr., chem. vanadium
abbr., chem., scient. Vacuum
abbr., el. visual; CCITT recommendation designation; overflow; verification; video; voice
abbr., el., scient. Voltage
abbr., IT View
abbr., law Violence
abbr., med. In Cardiography, Unipolar Chest Lead; Virus; vapour rate; vein.; vena; respiratory ventilation rate; verbal; veterinarian; veterinary; vibrio; virulence; Val; V region; action potential
abbr., med., conv.notation. luminous efficiency
abbr., media. Variety
abbr., met. total shear stress
abbr., mil. Version; search and rescue unit ground speed; sector pattern
abbr., monk. Very
abbr., physiol. Vein
abbr., physiol., med. Vision
abbr., plast. Vinyl; Vee
abbr., polym. vapor rate; vector; viscosity; variable; velocity; vertical; vicinal; volt; volume
abbr., scottish Time zone 127.5 W - 142.5 W (GMT +9); Victor (phonetic alphabet)
abbr., soil. vugh
abbr., st.exch. Venture
abbr., tech. valve
abbr., transp. Velocity
cinema An IMDb notation to indicate that a particular title was originally released on video without a screening or being broadcast.
mil., abbr. value; variation; vehicle; version; vessel; visibility; volunteer
mil., chess.term. victory
V. abbr.
abbr. Vice (Vosoni); Victoria
abbr., bus.styl. curriculum vitae
abbr., lat. Vester ("your"); Vixisti ("thou didst live"); Vixit ("he lived")
"V" abbr.
abbr., avia. dihedral; dihedral (крыла); dihedral angle (крыла)
Vᵧ abbr.
abbr., avia. best climb speed
v [vi:] abbr.
abbr. specific volume at average temperature; stress history parameter; coefficient of kinematic viscosity; electromagnetic oscillation frequency; frequency; number of vibration; velocity of sound; vapor; violin
abbr., auto. V type
abbr., busin. five-dollar bill
abbr., genet. vermilion
abbr., med. vein; volt; venous (blood); volt V vanadium; volume frequently with subscripts denoting location, chemical species, and conditions V ventilation; gas flow (frequently with subscripts indicating location and chemical species); ventilation; vertical line; viremia; virgin; voltammeter
abbr., mil. velocity of target drift
abbr., nucl.phys. average number of neutrons in fission; neutrino
abbr., phys. nu value; Poisson's ratio
auto. vision
biol. vertex; visual acuity
cleric. venerable
med. ventral
O&G molecular velocity; vaporization
polym. via
tech. v
v. abbr.
abbr. van; vein; voice; volt; voltage; voltmeter; volta potential; see (Vosoni); versus
abbr., gram. verb (collinsdictionary.com ssn)
abbr., lat. см. vide (Alexander Demidov)
abbr., libr. verse; verso; very
abbr., mech.eng. valve
lat. Vide ("see")
mining. vertical line
v% abbr.
abbr. volume percent
v- abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. vicinal
ρv abbr.
abbr., el. volume resistivity
: 301 phrase in 35 subjects
Earth sciences26
Food industry3
Health care4
Hobbies and pastimes2
Information technology9
International trade1
Life sciences3
Materials science5
Mechanic engineering31
Municipal planning1
Natural sciences1
Physical sciences1