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We [wi:]
earth.sc., mech.eng. kengetal van Weber
 English thesaurus
us ['ju: 'es] abbr.
abbr. undersize; Uniform System (lens marking)
O&G potential
US ['ju: 'es] abbr.
abbr., auto. under size; under steer
abbr., mil., air.def. User segment
US ['ju: 'es] abbr.
abbr. underseal; universal system of lens aperture; U Save; Ultimate Service; Uncle Sam; United Systems; User Services; Uwe Schmidt; U. S. Capacitor; Ultimate Spas; ultrasonography (Alexander Demidov); Uncle Sucker; Underside of Slab; United Service (Vosoni); United States Dollars; unauthorized parking
abbr., afr. Universiteit van Stellenbosch
abbr., anim.husb. untreated straw; unit feed value
abbr., auto. ultralight tire; ultra-lightweight tire; under-the-hood application; uniform tire wear; unitized body; unloaded-tire radius; updraft air-flow sensor; usable trunk capacity
abbr., avia. under speed; Airways Inc
abbr., avia., med. unconditioned stimulus
abbr., busin. unassorted
abbr., commer. United States (of America); ubi supra; ut supra
abbr., drv. unsynchronized transmission
abbr., earth.sc. Ukrainian shields; unallocated session; unclassified sedimentary rock; United Steel Companies; upstream
abbr., econ. uni synchronize
abbr., ed. Unusually Smart
abbr., el. microsecond; unavailable second; unconditional selection; undefined symbol; undistorted signaling; universal server; user service; user specific
abbr., el., scient. Ultra Short
abbr., electr.eng. unavailable state
abbr., file.ext. United Separator
abbr., inet. Sites in the United States
abbr., IT Unit Separator; Unit Separator (ASCII character)
abbr., lab.eq. UltraSound; Unit Standard
abbr., Makarov. ultrasound, ultrasonic scanning, echography, echographia, echoscopy, sonography, ultrasonography
abbr., mean.2 updraught carburetor; updraft carburetor
abbr., med. Ultrasonic; Usher Syndrome; ultrasound; Usher syndrome (doc090); ultrasonic scanning; urinary sodium
abbr., mil. Uniform System; Upper Secondary; Defense Meteorological Satellite Programme; European Command; Marine Air-Ground Task Force
abbr., mil., air.def. user synchronous user data
abbr., O&G, sakh. ultrasonic inspection
abbr., oil unclassified sediments; unconsolidated sand; undersealing; undistorted signal; unsatisfactory
abbr., org.name. Army Corps of Engineers of the United States Army
abbr., physiol., med. Unconditioned Stimulus; Uterine Suspension
abbr., polym. ultimate strength
abbr., radio undistorted signalling
abbr., relig. United Souls
abbr., scottish United States of America (NATO country code); Unreinforced Scenario
abbr., securit. Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)
abbr., soil. ustic soil moisture regime
abbr., space Upravlyayemyi Sputnik
abbr., sport. Uncontested Shot
abbr., transp. Ultra Speed; Unione Sportiva
abbr., urol. urinary system (igisheva)
Apollo-Soyuz undocking sensor
energ.ind. uranium sulfate
immunol., med. Ultrasound
meteorol. 500 hPa charts; utility satellite
O&G universal station
polit., mil. United States
tech. unserviceable
tech., med. ultrasonic
US. abbr.
abbr., mining. undersize
Us ['ju: 'es] abbr.
energ.ind. particle velocity; superficial solids velocity
US: 231 phrases in 32 subjects
Earth sciences2
Energy industry1
Food industry1
Health care4
Hobbies and pastimes8
Human rights activism1
International trade1
Mechanic engineering55
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation5
Natural sciences23
Nuclear physics1
United Nations1