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Public Key
 public key
comp., MS openbare sleutel; openbare sleutel
| Cryptography
commun. IT transp. cryptografische technieken
comp., MS cryptografie
econ. codering van informatie

to phrases
public key
comp., MS openbare sleutel (The nonsecret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Public keys are typically used when encrypting a session key, verifying a digital signature, or encrypting data that can be decrypted with the corresponding private key); openbare sleutel (The nonsecret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Public keys are typically used when encrypting a session key, verifying a digital signature, or encrypting data that can be decrypted with the corresponding private key)
fin., commun., IT publieke sleutel
 English thesaurus
public key
abbr., progr. publickey (ssn)
IT In an asymmetric cryptographic scheme, the key that may be widely published to enable the operation of the scheme
Public Key
IT, abbr. PK (Verschluesselung)
sec.sys., abbr. PK
Public Key Cryptography
: 31 phrases in 8 subjects
Information technology13
Social science1