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Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
 Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
gen. partnerschaps- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst
| between
construct. twijfelaar
the | European Communities
 European Communities
econ. Europese Gemeenschappen
environ. Europese Gemeenschappen
| and
comp., MS EN
their | Member States
 Member State
law lidstaat
of the one | part
gen. aflevering; nummer
commun. deelband
| and
comp., MS EN
the | Republic of Azerbaijan
 Republic of Azerbaijan
geogr. Republiek Azerbeidzjan
of the | other
stat. overige ontvangsten
| part
gen. aflevering

to phrases
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
gen. partnerschaps- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the other part
: 26 phrases in 4 subjects
European Union1