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earth.sc. mech.eng. leiding
el. hoofd
transp. nautic. hoofdlensleiding
part of | a
polit. agric. tech. are
| permanent staff
 permanent staff
law econ. transp. personeel met vaste aanstelling; vast personeel
| composed of
 composed of
gen. samengesteld uit
the | chief of staff
 Chief of Staff
gen. chef-staf
the personnel, equipment | and
comp., MS EN
| information system
 information system
econ. informatiesysteem
| permitting
law industr. vergunning
| to
el. vertragen
ensure the | main
earth.sc. mech.eng. leiding
| functions
IT bewerking
| at
IT social.sc. apestaart
the | level
IT niveau
of the | considered
law gelet op
| staff
 <-> staff
survey. baak
In the | case
el. meervoudige bak
of the | implementation
law econ. implementatie
of a | contingency
math. contingentie
| operational
transp. operationeel
CP this projectable | hardcore
hydraul. funderingsmateriaal
| permits
law industr. vergunning
| to
el. vertragen
immediately obtain the | coherence
math. logische consistentie
| and
comp., MS EN
| efficiency
antenn. rendement n
of | staff
 <-> staff
survey. baak
| work
comp., MS Werk
based on | a
polit. agric. tech. are
| permanent
med. permanent
| backbone
med. columna spinalis
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
main [meɪn] n
earth.sc., mech.eng. leiding f
el. hoofd n
transp., nautic. hoofdlensleiding f
mains [meinz] n
gen. lichtnet n
 English thesaurus
MAIN [meɪn] abbr.
abbr. Main Street & Main, Inc.; Mapping Arkansas Information Network; Moderate Alliance Of Informed Neighbors; maintenance; Mid-American Interconnected Network
abbr., avia. maintenace; material automated information network; MUX main multiplexer
abbr., med. Midwest Alliance In Nursing
abbr., mil. Main Command Post
abbr., oil Mid-America Inter Connected Network
mil. material automated inventory network; medical automation intelligence; military authority index number
mil., abbr. Main Command Post (for Referenced Echelon)
main [meɪn] abbr.
abbr. m
Main. abbr.
abbr. maintenance
MAINT [meɪn] abbr.
abbr. maintenance
Main part of a permanent staff, composed of the chief of staff, the personnel, equipment and information system permitting to ensure the main functions at the level of the considered staff. In the case of the implementation of a contingency operational CP, this projectable hardcore permits to immediately obtain the coherence and efficiency of staff work, based on a permanent backbone
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Work flow1