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arts. scharnier
construct. knoop; lasnaad
hydraul. knooppunt
life.sc. diaklaas; kloof
life.sc. el. pakking
industr. construct. samenvoegen; samenvoeging
industr. construct. mech.eng. tandpunten op gelijke hoogte brengen
econ. FAO
IAEA | Division
econ. splitsing
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
joint [ʤɔɪnt] n
arts. scharnier n
commun. riempje n
construct. knoop m (truss); lasnaad; aanbrengen van voegen; voegvulling f; bouwnaad
el. hulpstuk n
health. articulatie f; articulatio; gewricht n; lid n
health., engl. joint n
hydraul. knooppunt n
industr., construct. voeg f; gietnaad; naad m; vloeinaad m
life.sc. diaklaas m; kloof f
life.sc., el. pakking f
med. verbinding f
met. soldeer spleet; soldeernaad; soldeeropening f; soldeervoeg
social.sc. stickie n
transp., construct. dichting f
transp., mech.eng. las n; spoorstaaflas n
joints n
life.sc. scheuren
med. juncturae ossium
joints parts of engines n
gen. pakkingen motoronderdelen
jointing ['ʤɔɪntɪŋ] v
industr., construct. samenvoegen; samenvoeging
industr., construct., mech.eng. tandpunten op gelijke hoogte brengen
mech.eng. verbinden
 English thesaurus
joint [ʤɔɪnt] abbr.
abbr. jnt
abbr., amer. j; jay
abbr., polym. jt
energ.ind., abbr. jmt
law, abbr. jnt.
mil. Adjective used to describe activities, operations and organizations in which elements of at least two services participate
mil., logist. Pertains to an organization, structure, force or action grouping personnel and assets belonging to at least two different services, and wich conducts a given mission under the command of a single commander. 2. Pertains to a specific organization called a service whose managed and administrated personnel and assets are placed, for employment purposes, within various armed forces. Its own personnel and assets enable it, in its specific area and under normal conditions, to ensure the forces’ support, as well as to provide a complement to support set ups in times of crisis or war, for the benefit of the task forces operating on a theatre. There are the Health Service and the POL Services. 3. Adjective used to describe activities, operations and organisations in which elements of at least two services participate. (FRA)
slang cheap bar (Where is the closest joint to here); marijuana cigarettes (He is good at rolling joints)
USA Connotes activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of two or more Military Departments participate (JP 1)
Joint [ʤɔɪnt] n
polit. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (MichaelBurov); JDC (MichaelBurov); AJJDC (MichaelBurov)
JOINT [ʤɔɪnt] abbr.
abbr. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (Maggotka)
JOINTS abbr.
abbr., med. Joining Organizations in Tackling SSIs
Joint FAO
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Health care2
United Nations1