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Cooperation Agreement
 Cooperation Agreement
law samenwerkingsovereenkomst
| between
construct. twijfelaar
the | European Economic Community
 European Economic Community
law fin. Europese Economische Gemeenschap
of the one | part
gen. aflevering; nummer
commun. deelband; deeltje
econ. aandeel
| and
comp., MS EN
the | countries
life.sc. veldgebied
| p
commun. P+
- only individual words found

to phrases
Cooperation Agreement
law samenwerkingsovereenkomst f
cooperation agreement
econ. samenwerkingsovereenkomst f
cooperation agreement EU
econ. samenwerkingsovereenkomst f (EU)
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community , of the one part, and the countries p
: 3 phrases in 1 subject