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CPI abbr.
comp., MS KPI (The ratio of budgeted costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed [BCWP/ACWP]. The cumulative CPI [sum of the BCWP for all tasks divided by the sum of the ACWP for all tasks] can be used to predict whether a project will go over budget)
math. prijsindex van de gezinsconsumptie; consumentenprijsindexcijfer
 English thesaurus
CPI abbr.
abbr. Company Provided Items; chemical and process industries; consumer's price index; Commence Primary Ignition; Card Processing Integration; Chief of Public Information; Communications Processing and Interface (module); Cost Per Inquiry (Interex); Cost Per Install (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compensation_methods#Pay-per-install_.28PPI.29 Alexander Demidov); consumption price index; Consumer Price Index; Common Product Installer (Conservator)
abbr., auto. central port fuel injection; central pointportinjection
abbr., avia. change package identification; common part indicator; corporate performance indicators; caution panel interface; centre pressure index; chief pilot instructor; communication program interface; continuous process improvements; control panel interface; cost plus incentive; crash point indicator; critical parts inspection; critical process item; cross point indicator
abbr., avia., med. Californian personality inventory; Californian psychological inventory
abbr., busin. Consumer price inde (индекс цен на потребительские товары Val_Ships); Consumer price index (Val_Ships)
abbr., clin.trial. Coordinating Principal Investigator (coltuclu)
abbr., commer. Canadian Pacific Investment, Ltd.; Critical Program Information
abbr., comp. MS-DOS Codepage File (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., IT Counts per Inch
abbr., comp., net. characters per inch
abbr., comp.name. China Power Investment Corporation
abbr., corp.gov. continuous process improvement
abbr., dog. Canine Parainfluenza
abbr., earth.sc. commodity price index; carbon predominance index; computer processed log interpretation
abbr., econ. chemical-physical treatment of inorganic waste; consumer price index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. cable pair identification; call progress indicator; Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.; channel plate intensifier; chip performance index; clock pulse interval; common programming interface; computer-to-PBX interface; convolution product interferometer; coprocessor input; cost per instruction; cross-polarization interference; critical path impact
abbr., environ. Corrugated Plate Interceptor
abbr., exhib. Capital Protected Instrument
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (Colorlab Processed Image); Character Per Inch; Code Page Information file (DOS); MS-DOS codepage file (MODE.EXE Vosoni)
abbr., gov. corruption perception index (A.Rezvov)
abbr., IT Clocks Per Instruction; Computer-PBX Interface; cycles per instruction; Code Page Information
abbr., karate. crosspointer indicator
abbr., law Corruption Perception Index
abbr., med. Cancer Potential Index; Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitor; cardiac power index (harser); California Psychological Inventory; Cellular Products Incorporation; congenital palatopharyngeal incompetence; constitutional psychopathic inferiority; coronary prognostic index
abbr., mil. Characters Per Inch; Competition Performance Index; crash position indicator
abbr., mil., avia. consumer price index
abbr., mil., WMD Cost performance index
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. continuous performance improvement; corrugated plate incline
abbr., O&G, sakh. corrugated plate interceptor = oil interceptor
abbr., office.equip. cost per impression (translator911)
abbr., oil capacitive position indicator; capital production index; carbon preference predominance index; cathodic protection index; Central Patents Index; central peak index; central pressure index; computer processing computer-processed interpretation; conference papers index; contact pin igniter; correction, prevention, improvement; corrugated plates interceptor separator; current priority indicator; computer-processed interpretation; corrugated plate interceptor; corrugated plate inrterceptor
abbr., oncol. checkpoint inhibitor (iwona)
abbr., polit. Center for Public Integrity (USA MichaelBurov); corruption perceptions index
abbr., polym. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
abbr., railw. Canadian Pacific Railway
abbr., relig. Church Planting Institute
abbr., scottish Communications Processor & Interface; Crash Position Indicator
abbr., space communications processor and interface; computing power index; cost-plus-incentive contract
abbr., tax. comparable profit interval (dimock)
abbr., textile combined price index
abbr., tradem. Cincinnati Precision Instruments
ecol. carbon preference index
invest., abbr. consumer price index
mil., abbr. center of programmed instruction
tech., abbr. center pressure index; chemical process industry; coherent processing interval; containment performance improvement; crash-position indicator
.CPI abbr.
abbr. Code Page Information (MS-DOS)
cpi abbr.
abbr. courses per inch
IT characters per inch (Bricker)
.cpi abbr.
file.ext. Code Page Information (file name extension, MS-DOS)